@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Le Lightning de Tampa Bay incrédule après l’échec de son défi pour interférence avec le gardien de but

Mis en ligne par : Alyssa Hope Lien vers la chaîne : https://www.youtube.com/c/AlyssaHope Tous les droits reviennent à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique ni les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. As a lightning fan, I don't think this was inconsistent with other goalie interference calls.
    The problem is that goalie interference calls are wildly inconsistent.
    Win some, lose some.
    We'll win the cup again tho.

  2. Who the f*** knows what is or isn't goalie interference anymore. It almost seems like they flip a coin. I mean, the goalie was clearly interfered with but are they REALLY going to say that Stamkos wasn't being pushed from behind? The refs have had a tough time today.

  3. Cleary goalie interference. Correct call, I don't even know why they'd complain. Good try to sell it by Stamkos, but not good enough.

  4. Definitely goalie interference. Stamkos didn’t have to push the senators defender into Murray. And no, the contact from behind on Stamkos is not why Murray fell.

  5. You can argue the Sens player was pushing Stamkos sure but Stamkos was already skating to the net, what exactly was he gonna do? he still was pushing the player into the goalie. i could go either way on this.

  6. It’s clearly a goaltender interference. Right decision from refs if you really know hockey rules.

  7. It wasn't all Stamkos here obviously, but he did do some of the contact. It was more of a "the call on the ice stands" decision more than anything. If the ref had said good goal and Ottawa had challenged, the goal probably would have stood.

  8. NHL officials are the worst in all pro sports lmao even when taking an insane amount of time for reviews, they still manage to get them wrong the majority of the time lololol

  9. I mean TB had the last laugh but C’MON man!!……

    Feels like officiating has been extra atrocious this year. Should be fun come playoffs time…….

  10. Avalanche got called for goalie interference when the goalie lunged out of the crease and into our player lol

  11. They lost control of this when they allowed a game 7 stanley cup winning goal to stand w the Stars Brett Hulls foot in the crease (something they disallowed all season long ) of Dominic Haseks Sabers.

  12. That’s classic goalie interference. Goalie had no chance. Should have been a penalty. When they don’t call it…it confuses people and encourages players to put goalies in vulnerable positions. It’s gotta be one way or the other🤦‍♂️

  13. If Stamkos didn't put his entire stick horizontal to push the Sens player then sure, but he intended to make contact with the guy and push him clearly, maybe not in to the goalie but the intent to move the Dman to open up a shooting lane was clear

  14. Absolutely HORRIBLE CALL by the "booth reviewers". It was very obvious that both players were pushed into the goaltender by the home team player. So sad that the NHL still can't even the simplest of reviews correct!

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