@Kings de Los Angeles

L’ascension et la chute de l’ancien propriétaire des Kings de Los Angeles, Bruce McNall

Voici l’histoire de Bruce McNall : d’une star hollywoodienne à un visionnaire de la LNH, puis à un criminel condamné.


  1. 4:30 “everything went crazy overnight” that’s for sure. I will never forget being at work in a grocery on the 6:00 am news comes on the radio and the headline was, “Wayne Gretzky May be coming to the Kings” and I thought, “Yeah right, Gretzky will never come to the Kings”

  2. if you get past the sociopathic transparent smiles and charm this slime was a con artist his entire life. He was a pathological liar and a narcissistic celebrity chaser. He even lied about going to Oxford University (which there was never no record of) amazing how Dopes hold some CRIMINALS in high esteem

  3. i.e.?  The abbreviation e.g.—short for the Latin phrase exempli gratia—means for example. It is different from i.e.—short for the Latin id est—which means that is, namely, or in other words. The two are sometimes mixed up, but other than being abbreviations of Latin phrases, they share no common ground.  You're making a series on someone yet you cant use language properly?  Weird.

  4. Yea, he brought Gretzky to L.A. Hockey west of the Mississippi would have happened anyway with or without him in time

  5. Met him at a ranger game and he signed my ticket. Seemed like a nice dude. I remember when he bought the Honus Wagner card

  6. The part where I heard that he was scamming the bank's really broke my heart. 😂🤣😂🤣😂

  7. If he ripped people of he's still a crook. Look, I enjoy Michael Franzese too but a crook is a crook. Don't be brainwashed.

  8. The only difference between Bruce McNall and John Spano is that McNall got away with his fraud for a longer period of time.

  9. I believe bruce owned a honus wagner t206 card.david Copperfield got word and invented a trick with that repro card and wayne G. Should be on YouTube

  10. The beginning of the end for Edmonton hockey fans. Nothing ever lasts forever – watching Coffey, Huddy and Gretz skating in black / silver practice jerseys, laughing. Just breaks your heart – like watching amateur porn of your hot ex-girlfriend with a rich black guy – you never, ever get over it, even 30 years later.

  11. I think the gradual deterioration of the NHL began here. The corporatization / big biz/ big contracts / glitzy fluff cheesy tacky showbiz factor started here. It's now a sport with too many watered down teams, with players who all look and move the same. Yawn. Going back to my Canada Cup '84 game now. Bye

  12. There's a psychopathic appearance to this guy that really bothers me. Someone who defrauds banks out of hundreds of millions of dollars to keep up a facade of success, while also putting him and his employees in jeopardy is abnormally irresponsible and reckless. He also seems like a dilettante and a charmer.

    He might have done important things for hockey at one time. But there's something about this guy's fundamental personality that just seems fundamentally off.

  13. It takes a man to admit when you're wrong and to accept responsibility for it and the fact that all his friends stood by his side amd no one turned their back on him says everything you need to know about Bruce Mcnall

  14. 8:38 McNall's hustling of banks.
    9:08 Robitaille witnesses Gretzky and McNall's having intense conversations on the plane.
    10:31 Robitaille was shocked at how big the debt numbers were.
    11:14 Trump's advice to Bruce.

  15. this guy deserve to be in the HOF hands down! He's the one who made the Gretzky deal happen, and who was part of building hockey in the States… which led to many other franchise around the southern west area of the country. He is part of whom made hockey known at the same level as the other big leagues. Regardless of his financial crime, which is a personal one, it has nothing to do with his huge part of what he accomplished for the game of hockey. If idiots like Ovi could be part of the HOF because of being a single goal scorer, then you have no choice on putting someone who is responsible for someone like OVI to have success in America today.

  16. Clever, savvy, con artist. But with the money he conned, he did really well growing hockey in America.

  17. Bruce wasn’t a good ass kisser like Donald Trump and hence he didn’t get away with his financial crimes even though Trump has done 100x worse crimes financially

  18. There is no doubt he helped the game grow to what it is today. I grew up with Bruce and the Kings during this time and I’m still a fan! We all make mistakes and he has served his time. Thanks Bruce!

  19. i saw Bruce Mc in Malibu getting off my moto I looked over & I immediately ran up to him & thanked him for the memories I thanked him twice & just said again " bruce thank you for saving the Kings for all the memories the gretzky deal is the greatest deal in sports history & even bigger than Babe Ruth's Yankees deal, THANK YOU!" PS. IT SHOULD BE TITLED the rise & fall & rise of BMc

  20. Bruce went to prison for falsified financial transactions to the banks. Believe me there are many shady people in the financial industry who belong in jail. The problem was Bruce was too high profile and he was an easy target for too many greedy lawyers and CEO's of banks.

  21. As a Bruce fan i don't think he should be in the hall of fame. But his legacy should always be remembered. Hate him or love him he personally did expand the league from 21 to 32. And you can't argue that.

  22. He definitely took a huge risk and even though it ended up not being good for him it did change hockey in the U.S forever. Had he not of did what he did things wouldn’t have changed down there. I believe he deserves being in the Hall of Fame. He did his time for the crime.

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