@Golden Knights de Vegas

Les Golden Knights de Vegas observent 58 secondes de silence pour les vies perdues le 1er octobre

Avant de débuter leur premier match à domicile, les Golden Knights ont observé 58 secondes de silence pour les 58 vies perdues le 1er octobre.


  1. This was awesome and emotional. Crying already. RIP to victims. Take care and love each other people.

  2. Didn't care about vegas. Thought they were gonna be another failure. But this was a proper way to introduce them to the city. Hope they blow up in vegas. The atmosphere seems fantastic. And build that James 'big deal' Neal statue alredy.

  3. It's now risen to 60+ with critically injured people dying in hospital. I was in the middle of trying to sleep and decided to check Twitter and saw this. Such a bad tragedy. Plus the event in Edmonton a day or two before.

  4. Honestly this was a great move but the fact that there's a video of 58 seconds of silence is a bit amusing haha

  5. Why do I feel horrible for actually hating the idea of a Las Vegas hockey team, since it's surrounded by desert. Then the attack happened and the team do a 58-second tribute to the 58 victims of Las Vegas. The team has earned my respect, and this is coming from an Oilers fan, wish you guys luck.

  6. Nine days before their home opener, 1October happened. So all the plans that took months to coordinate, now change from a celebration to a honoring first responders and the victims. The VGK team pulled it off flawlessly!! What an amazing accomplishment!

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