@Blue Jackets de Columbus

30/04/19 Deuxième tour, Gm3 : Bruins @ Blue Jackets

Extraits détaillés des matchs des Bruins de Boston contre les Blue Jackets de Columbus Pour les dernières nouvelles en exclusivité, abonnez-vous à notre chaîne en cliquant sur le gros bouton rouge brillant S’ABONNER Regardez le hockey en direct où que vous soyez : https://www.nhl.com/tv Pour les dernières nouvelles, les scores et les statistiques, les analyses et les faits saillants en temps réel : https://www.nhl.com Vous vous sentez social ? Twitter : http://twitter.com/nhl Facebook : http://facebook.com/nhl Instagram : http://instagram.com/nhl


  1. Везёт тому кто везёт! Ворота играли сегодня за Боба! 2 штанги:)

  2. One game at a time. Eyes on the prize. Torts has got these guys playing at as high of a level as possible. Hell of a job.

  3. There are so many comments on this video. It's almost like everyone is…russian to write something.

  4. Бобровский выкладывается по полной! Вытягивая всю команду

  5. Thankyou NHL for these highlights. I am over in Europe and still think I am a Boston fan even if Bobby Orr does not play any more.

  6. how ironic that they dont show the punch to the head marchand gave a player from columbus after the whistle …its cause for suspension

  7. что у Бостона, сука, все в штанги летит.

  8. I really hope Bob keeps this up!! He’s battling for their playoff life right now and willing his team to victory. That said I could expect a much more dynamic offensive performance from CBJ in game 4. Atkinson is due for a hat trick lol.

  9. Why marchand was not suspended,,,why is that,,is marchand protected by refs,and the NHL,,unbelievable disgusting act of cowardice, punched player unaware at the back of his head,,not an act of a good professional hockey player,,what a shame,,,,

  10. The  =  =  BRUINS  = = =  has  me  thinking  of  my  friend  = = =  MOLLY  SKYE ,  she  is  a  big  BRUINS  fan,   WOW  a   room  in  her  house  is  full   of  BRUINS  antiques .Her  friend ,  the  one  she  call  my  friend :    MR. NOLAN .5/2/2019

  11. As a NY Ranger fan living in Las Vegas, I pray that The Blue Jackets ram that punk into to boards 🏒

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