@Canadiens de Montréal

À écouter absolument : Jagr contrarié par les pénalités infligées aux Panthers

Jaromir Jagr explique aux médias pourquoi il pense que les Panthers de la Floride n’auraient pas dû être pénalisés parce que les fans jetaient des rats sur la glace.


  1. Honestly if they call penalties like this in the playoffs, it could effect the outcome of the series.

  2. He's right, the players did not give rats to people. Penalize whatever PR marketing douche thought this was a good idea. Players are not be responsible for the actions of any fans.

  3. "They just gonna hire some guys just throw their rats and they get power play alll game" – Jagr 2019

  4. Jag S is right. Refs should not have called it with it being an important game or point. Plus at least the fans are engaged.

  5. Jagr is an owner in Czech Republic so when he says selling the game he’s talking from a marketing perspective which means he gets it. The league doesn’t.

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