@Blackhawks de Chicago

Les pires transactions jamais réalisées par les Canadiens de Montréal

Les pires transactions jamais effectuées par les Canadiens de Montréal 🚨 Joignez-vous à Coach alors qu’il plonge dans les pires transactions de l’histoire des Canadiens de Montréal, couvrant les 50 dernières années sous différents directeurs généraux. Des transactions choquantes qui ont fait plier des légendes comme Chelios, Roy et Turgeon, aux transferts qui ont laissé les fans perplexes, Coach décompose chaque transaction avec tous les détails juteux. Mais nous ne nous arrêtons pas là, c’est à votre tour de donner votre avis ! Selon vous, quelle transaction a été la pire de l’histoire des Canadiens ? Écrivez vos réflexions dans les commentaires ci-dessous, et n’oubliez pas de les classer ! Cette vidéo est un incontournable pour tout fan des Canadiens qui aime revisiter les hauts et les bas de l’histoire de l’équipe. Et bien sûr, nous avons les dernières mises à jour sur l’impact de ces transactions sur l’équipe au fil des ans. Ne manquez rien : abonnez-vous maintenant et appuyez sur ce bouton J’aime pour rester au courant de tout ce qui concerne les Canadiens ! 👍 #HabsNation #CanadiensDeMontréal #PiresTransactions #HistoireDeLaLNH #HabsTalk #HistoireDuHockey #LNH #FansDeLaLNH #ÀL’IntérieurDeLaNationDeLaLNH #HabsLegacy #HockeyTalk #DiffusionEnLigne #ErreursDeTransactionsDeLaLNH #HistoireDesCanadiens


  1. Just wanna comment how i think at the moment the Sergachev trade really isnt as bad as some people think;

    -In our system. He probably gets less points then he did in Tampa.

    -Injury Problems

    -Our defense core is already stacked.

    -Drouin was a solid point producer.

    Im not here to say the Sergachev was a win trade. Its still a loss. But it isnt horrible. Were realistically getting a worsened more injured version of the Sergachev we saw in Tampa. So like a 35-45 point defenseman who gets like 50-65 games? I mean i think if Drouin developed in Tampa, he couldve been as skilled as like a Hagel. Unfortunately the lack of other production and the market wasnt a good fit for Drouin.

  2. My opinion on trades:
    Worst trades by GM :
    Gainey: Gomez – McDonough. In his last full season in Mtl Gomez had an Anderson like 2 goals. Sather cleaned out Gainey
    Houle: every trade ! Roy ! Worst GM in Habs History
    Bergevin: Sergechev, he also acquired Anderson and all his deadline deals esp acquiring Ott plus 2 pluggers.

    Worst of all : Roy and Mike Kane

  3. Perezhogin was kicked out of the AHL for a vicious stick swinging incident while playing for Hamilton I think

  4. Chelios is the number one worst trade for sure. Roy is a close second. Although we were able to recover from losing Chelios, we never recovered after losing Roy. The fact that houle orchestrated both the Roy and Turgeon trade tells you that he was the worst gm in history for the habs.

    As far as the Droiun and LeClair deal, i believe this is a situation where both those players had much better numbers with other teams. For Druoin he could not cope with the stress of Montreal. It's a hard team to play for. He is skilled and proving that with the Avalanche. As for LeClair he played with the infamous Legion of Doom line and that help boost his numbers a lot.

    Montreal had a serious issue with not developing prospects properly. I think they will get it different this time with Hughes and Gorton. A team needs to grow together. That's why it's important for young players to get experience to play on the nhl in the right circumstance.. Hutson and Beck should be playing in the nhl this year in order to start growing with the team. Especially b since both are valuable on special teams. Hutson on the future of the pp and Beck on pk

  5. Mario trembley was one of the worst hires ( #1 worst coaching) that ruined the franchise for many years.

  6. It's hard to shed any tears for any "bad" trades the Canadiens have ever made. After the way Sam Pollock spent a dozen years fleecing the entire league with every trade he ever made, the Habs could have 100 bad trades and still be way ahead.

  7. If I'm Serge Savard, I still do the Chelios trade…Denis Savard didn't play in final but played good minutes in 93 run to the cup and was big part of the team…

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