@Canucks de Vancouver

[Daily Hive | Offside] Les Canucks embaucheront-ils un nouveau journaliste d’équipe avant la saison prochaine ?

Toutes mes excuses pour la junk food du Daily Hive (sans vouloir offenser Rob Williams), mais en voyant cela, je me suis rendu compte que nous n’avions pas vu Kate sur les chaînes des Canucks cet été. J’espère qu’ils ne se sont pas séparés, je pense qu’elle était géniale.



  1. smcfarlane

    She’s been mashing in Nashville. Won’t be coming back to the Canucks.

  2. PTCruiserApologist

    Interesting, I thought for some reason she was filling in for someone who went on mat leave but I have no idea where I got that from

  3. CamaroGirl96

    I thought she just went home to Nashville for the offseason. There isn’t really much to report for the team during this time, especially with the Canucks not having a draft pick until the second day of the draft maybe they didn’t feel it was necessary to have her do it? She didn’t really make any indication she wasn’t coming back. I guess we will know once media day/training camp rolls around.

  4. Atavius

    Shes in the background of the Abby Canucks instagram reel posted 21 hours ago prior to this comment at a golf tournament. 🤷‍♂️ 

  5. EveningWrongdoer8825

    One of the few reporters ,male or female, that makes me hit the mute button. She’s good at her job but that nasally voice just annoys my ears.

  6. WolfOfPort

    Kate says shes still working for them

  7. shadownet97

    Relax, y’all. She’s on vacation. Not much to report on these days. Even management is probably on vacation.

  8. unbannedcoug

    I like Kate We need to keep the Pettersoeins

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