@Oilers d'Edmonton

Nouvelles des Oilers d’Edmonton | Les dernières nouvelles sur Broberg et Holloway | Négociations pour un échange entre Kulak et Ceci

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  1. It's hilarious to think the Oilers were low balling young talent while over paying aging-cup-cursed-perry 😂😂😂

  2. I hate what's happening for the team but Jackson is getting exactly what he deserves right now. Man does he look bad. Maybe the talk should be about replacing Jackson and Bowman before they can screw things up even more?

  3. We need Bromberg to play with Nurse or it messes up all our pairings other than the top pair.

  4. I am so happy that the blues did these offer sheets. Oilers deserve this after signing that f in GM. REST IN PEACE OILERS

  5. If Broberg never changed his mind about being traded, something went very wrong here. Either he didn't express that clearly enough or Holland and Jackson didn't take him seriously enough. They could have traded him at the draft and got a decent return.

  6. I think Broberg is the player that must be signed from these two players! Broberg has too high a ceiling to let him go for a 2nd round pick. If Broberg has an excellent year and Broberg still wants a trade in the summer of 2025,then Oilers trade him for a much higher return.

  7. Habs is here to help. We will take both Kulak and Ceci for your 1st round and 2nd round. You take a young dman back of your choice. We have Barron, Harris and Struble available. Just FYI, we will flip them at the deadline for another 1st or 2nd round.

  8. I don't know how the oilers will manage the cap next season when Bouchard and Draist sign. Drait is reported to take less at 13.5 and Bouchard around 10. Even with cap increasing, there is no room still to fit those 2 and be competitive. I think one play is to try to trade Nurse but most likely need to add a big sweetner or 2

  9. I would like to have seen Broberg as a full-time Oiler, but he's already requested a trade late last year. If he doesn't want to play for the Oilers, let him go. Forget how much time, money, and hope was put into his development. If you don't want to be on the team, then the team shouldn't want you on it.

  10. Hopefully they let both of these guys go. Spending 7mil on two unproven rookies when you are trying to win a cup is a recipe for disaster. We don't even have the 7 million to give. That means not only do you have 2 rookies taking a big chunk of the money, it means we have to get rid of 2 experienced players that almost got us a cup, just to pay these ingrates when others on the team are taking discounts. If we were just looking at the future, I can see matching. But I am not willing to give up a couple of cup runs here for the future. Let the 7million go. Sign Barrie and Kostin for approx 2mil, then we don't need to get rid of anyone else. We have a lot of talent upfront right now. What we can use more of right now is grit. Kostin>Holloway in this regard. With the addition of skinner and Arvidsson, we could add Barrie for a pretty killer 2nd unit power play.

  11. I am happy the Oilers are getting a taste of their own medicine. Anaheim Fan's haven't forgotten 2007 when the Oilers did an offer sheet on Dustin Penner offering him WAY more money just to mess with Anaheim's Getzlaf/Perry/Penner line. Karma's a bitch and I'm here to watch the Oilers struggle.

  12. Let broberg walk, take the comp pick, and use it to sweeten up a trade deal for a defenseman before the deadline.

  13. If both these players go we will not have one first round pick left from hollands time here in Edmonton!

  14. We have to match both.
    Kane is LTIR and Ceci is over 8M… more than enough.
    If Broberg doesn't live up to the cap hit… then we trade him in a year or 2.

    Broberg could very well be a stud like Oscar… it would be bonkers to let him go for a 2nd.

  15. Your hand gestures are distracting and annoying. Commentary is ok, but I can only listen to these videos not watch the wandering arms.

  16. You’re gonna let them go for second and third round picks? We will never get their value back… not even close. Put Kane on LTR and see how the season goes when there are more options. You can’t let two players you’ve developed & were high draft picks go like this. And they’re young, which we sorely need.

  17. Let them both walk, go make more money on a mediocre team. Sends a message to the room if you wanna play with the most elite in the league. They both are replaceable

  18. Kudos to Armstrong. He’s pulled off a coup at least on the surface. He could gain some top end young talent for pennies on the dollar. Edmonton can’t even match and trade them for a greater return. Armstrong really pulled one off here

  19. I just had a crazy idea. What if to sidestep this whole problem they traded for Carey Price? His signing bonus should already have been paid for the season, so according to Puckpedia, they'd only have to pay him $2m for the year. Then there'd be one $5.5m signing bonus and one more year of $2m salary. That's not optimal, but the Oilers should be able to afford it, especially if it sets them up to lose nothing on defense for the 2025 playoffs. Could give them some wiggle room for the following year, too. Price said sometime last year that he would be okay with his contract being moved if it was for the good of the Canadiens. And they definitely don't need to rely on LTIR, they've still got more than $5m in cap space. I have no idea what the asking price would be, though. (edit: had to correct his contract info lol)

  20. I think that you let them both go. Neither is worth what the blues offered. For that kind of cap space the Oilers can do way better. That would kick all other parties where it counts. The blues will be over paying and Hollywood and Probert will miss out on the Stanley cup for the next few seasons. Teach them for trying to pull a fast one.

  21. Keep them both, Broberg, Is the future, and we lost some speed with foegale and mcloed gone. We literally got no young players other than those two. They can trade cici away, I'm sure he can be veteran some where else.

  22. I liked Broberg in the finals but demanding a trade shows he is not interested in being an oiler. Let him go. Not a fan of conspiracy theories but wonder if friends exchanged inside information to allow this calculated offer sheet. Thanks for the update

  23. Has anyone asked Broberg himself what he wants to do? Has his agent said he still wants a trade? That he still wants out? Or is everything just speculation and rumor? I want to know what Broberg himself has to say. He played very, very well during the playoffs. Vinnie was removed from the lineup because Broberg is simply a much better skater and player. He proved himself NHL ready, much like Stu Skinner proved himself NHL ready. Yes, I'm a big Broberg fan. Long-term, losing him will really hurt. Again, he played a big role in helping the team get so very close to winning the Cup. Let's say we reach that point again. Who will replace him? Love Tyson Barrie, but his best days are behind him. Same with Justin Schultz. Cupboard is bare down in the minors. It's still my feeling that the team was a little short on defense. Broberg changed that. He was the missing piece. Broberg's fast, quick, and nimble. He skates well and moves the puck well. Is Nurse that good? Kulak? Ceci? Nope. He's a big part of the team's future as well. Can't let players like that walk away. What would we get for him? A 2nd round pick? Not even close to equal value. Who came up with that idea? Wasn't Broberg a high first round pick? Don't recall exactly. But if he walks away, the team should get the same kind of high pick from St. Louis. Still not equal value, but much better than a 2nd round pick that may never play a single game in the NHL. Same can be said of a first-round pick too. That St. Louis offered him that much money shows what they think of him. This situation sucks big-time. Still, if I had to pick one of the two to keep it would be Broberg. Can I interview him? I already work for a newspaper, so I know how to do it. Send him some love too! Parrick, as always, we're counting on you! The heat is on! Next video I want to see you floating in the air, levitating yourself with excitement that both players have been retained.

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