@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Qui est en colère parce que les Leafs n’ont pas bouleversé leur noyau dur – échanger MM, obtenir un meilleur gardien et de meilleurs défenseurs – et pourtant, parce qu’ils aiment la douleur et sont des idiots comme moi, ils regarderont et encourageront les gars l’année prochaine ?

Mais s’ils signent une prolongation à Mitch, c’est fini, je suis fini… Que je me moque de qui je suis, je reviendrai !

Tout ce à quoi je peux penser, c’est au mème de ce gars espagnol qui rit, et quelqu’un lui dit qu’après 8 ans à ne gagner qu’un seul round, ils ont décidé de payer 4 gars 10 millions de dollars + https://tenor.com/view/el-risitas-juan-joya-borja-ratones-coloraos-laugh-meme-laughing-man-gif-24899295



  1. They shook up the defense a -great- deal o_o

    Two top-4 Dmen coming in is a maaajor overhaul.

    Core 4, sure. Goalie? Who was there out there? Not really anyone..

  2. SalaciousPanda

    Meh. Been watching for 35+ years, I’m not going to stop now. I watched from the lockout to Matthews so I’ve been through darker times. I can’t control who signs for how long and how much, I’m just a guy who grew up in Ontario who likes watching hockey and was raised with the Blue and White — It’s just entertainment at the end of the day.

  3. Why wouldn’t we be cheering for them? We are Leafs fans. Maybe some wanted more change but at the end of the day we are cheering for the team and hoping for success. That is irrelevant to the moves they make.

  4. spaceporter

    I’ll be watching as always. I think the season after this should be the best season thus far in the Matthews era, though. Presumably if Marner stays his raise will be way less than the Tavares pay cut, assuming he also stays, and we are finally seeing progressive substantial cap increases. If Woll takes a step forward this year and the next, then he is a legitimate team friendly starter. If we take that money and invest in one top 6 winger and another top tier D, that’s our best chance to go deep. I just hope they actually get some decent round 2 and 3 experience this year.

  5. Escapement_Watch

    They are a better team this year. Round 2 easy. Maybe even round 3

  6. moebuttermaker

    Holy fucking shit do we really need a five-hundred-thousandth post like this from some crybaby dumbass who hates good players?

  7. Barnibus666

    Here’s the thing: trading Marner would be a massive mistake. He’s too good, and you wouldn’t get anywhere near his value. Like when Edmonton traded Taylor Hall for the d-man (whose name I totally forget).

    In the salary cap era, and when there are no-trade clauses, it is so difficult to mix things up. Signing free agents is a crap shoot, and trades are HARD.

    I don’t know what y’all expect from management. I’m old enough to remember when they traded Russ Courtnal for John Kordic, because the coach (John Brophy) wanted tough guys. It sorta worked for a season, but Courtnal went on to show skill, and Kordic…..well, the less said the better (rip).

    We all hunger to see success. We all want a cup. We have a new coach, new systems, and a GM who is still fresh. Let’s see what this team can do.

  8. The losing has literally nothing to do with their cap hits. This fan base needs to be better at assessing actual issues.

    1. The cap will be over 100m within 2 years.
    2. We blow every asset we have on guys who walk every year.
    3. Our pro scouting is dog shit.
    4. We get destroyed in every trade.
    5. When we do have cap, we waste it immediately in tremendously embarrassing fashion.

    Yet the fan base wants Marner gone so we can watch this shitty management do a piss poor job on the trade, and then do a worse job trying to replace him in the aggregate, all because of their feelings during a covid cap that is no longer even relevant.

  9. Iliketothrowaway2456

    The thing is, if they’re going to run it back, they need to prioritize resigning Marner (as least for asset management). For his playoff errors, having him walk for nothing would hurt badly too Lmaoo

  10. Monst3r_Live

    0 percent chance unless they make the second round.

  11. I’m disappointed. I don’t have much anger left to give. This franchise has been slowly sucking the passion out of me.

    That being said, GLG!

  12. Waffer_thin

    These posts make me question what a fan actually is. Just a bunch of hater whiners in this sub lately.

  13. EfficientCoconut9059

    Didn’t renew my tickets this year. Pretty sure there’s another late season fizzle ahead

  14. cloudlocke_OG

    Not angry, it was expected.

    The same regimen I’ve done the past 5 seasons will apply this coming season: skip the entire regular season, check the standings around March, then watch playoffs for however long Leafs are in it – about 2 weeks, thanks to MM, of course.

  15. carnotbicycle

    Anybody not cheering for the Leafs because they didn’t trade Marner are not Leafs fans. Sure, protest by not buying merch or tickets or whatever, but if you watch a Leafs game and cheer against them (doesn’t apply if we’re tanking of course) then you’re not a fan.

  16. This is me every year, takes a few months to get over the pain.
    I’ll admit I’m not as excited as I used to be but I can’t help but come back.

  17. MadFlava76

    I don’t know if they will sign MM to an extension. He’s going to want more money which could put too much strain on the salary cap. Honestly I hope they can figure out a way to trade him during the season.

  18. BlueHotCoconut

    « Meh. Been watching for 35+ years, I’m not going to stop now. I watched from the lockout to Matthews so I’ve been through darker times. I can’t control who signs for how long and how much, I’m just a guy who grew up in Ontario who likes watching hockey and was raised with the Blue and White — It’s just entertainment at the end of the day. »

    Couldn’t agree more with the top comment I pasted above and that’s a shame.

    We should love this team. Not feel apathetic and like it’s just what we do with our free time. There are so many rosters I used to love.

  19. paulster2626

    Can’t wait. Just like the last 36 years I’ve been cheering for these bums.

  20. Stolarz is a huge guy and has a lot of promise in net. and we did get better D (arguably)

    As for Marner… I think us fans take a lot for granted. It’s easy to be a couch gm, but there’s a lot behind the scenes we don’t see.

    Honestly? We’ve been watching the best Leaf hockey in the last 30 years. I’ll keep watching, you bet.

    I’m glad 34 has the C, I think the top gun is meant to lead and it will in fact create change. He’ll elevate everyone else more now that he’s « the guy ».

    EDIT: but what do I know 😂 I’m just choosing to be an optimist I guess. Being a doomer is so cliche

  21. Flatoftheblade

    As an Oilers and Leafs fan I’m happy with the Leafs’ offseason by comparison…

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