@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Caravane universitaire : un aperçu des Gators, des Seminoles, des Bulls et des Canes

Alors que la saison de football universitaire approche à grands pas, Scott Smith prend la route pour rendre visite à Billy Napier en Floride, Mike Norvell à la FSU, Alex Golesh à l’USF et Mario Cristobal à Miami. Cette semaine, le NODPOD examine de plus près nos programmes dans l’État, alors que nous comptons les jours avant le coup d’envoi. Bienvenue dans les épisodes vidéo complets du podcast « No Off Days with Scott Smith » ! Le directeur sportif de FOX 13 News Tampa Bay, Scott Smith, est rejoint par le présentateur de nouvelles et humoriste à temps partiel Chris Cato, ainsi que par le producteur Brian King, pour parler de la NFL, de la MLB, de la NBA, de la LNH, des Buccaneers de Tampa Bay, du Lightning de Tampa Bay, des Rays de Tampa Bay et des Rowdies de Tampa Bay. Les gars interviewent des légendes du sport et des joueurs majeurs de FOX Sports, et discutent de l’état des lieux dans tous les domaines, du golf aux gardiens de but. #nodpod #nooffdays #sports *Plus d’épisodes : https://www.fox13news.com/nodpod *Écoutez sur toutes les plateformes de pods : https://fts.foxaud.io/nooffdays?sid=fts.yt *Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nodpod13 *Twitter : https://twitter.com/nodpod13 *Insta : https://www.instagram.com/nodpod13/


  1. That Whosoever Believeth in him Should Not Perish, But have Eternal Life, 16 For God so Loved the World, That he gave his only Begotten Son, That Whosoever Believeth in him Should Not Perish, But have Everlasting Life. 17. For God sent Not his Son into the World to Condemn the World; But through him might be Saved. 18. He that Believeth on him is Not Condemned; But he that Believeth Not is Condemned Already, Because he hath not Believed in the name of the Only Begotten Son of God.
    John 3:15-18kjv

    For the wages of sin is death, But the Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
    Romans 6:23kjv

    For by Grace are ye Saved through Faith; And that Not of Yourselves: It is the Gift of God; Not of Works, Lest any man should boast.
    Ephesians 2:8-9kjv

    But to him that Worketh Not, But Believeth on him that Justifieth the Ungodly, His Faith is Counted for Righteousness.
    Romans 4:5kjv

    Therefore we conclude that a man is Justified by Faith, Without the deeds of the Law.
    Romans 3:28kjv

    How to be saved:
    Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be Saved.
    Acts 16:31kjv

    Will of God:
    And this is the WILL of him that sent me, That Everyone which seeth the Son ( word-John 1:1), And Believeth on him, May have Everlasting Life: And I will raise him up at the last day.
    John 6:40kjv

    Assurance of Salvation: These things have I written unto you that Believe on the name of the Son of God, That ye may KNOW that ye have Eternal Life and that ye may Believe on the name of the Son of God.
    1 john 5:13kjv

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