@Wild du Minnesota

Hier, j’ai été énervé de voir cet autocollant. Wild devrait abandonner son nom ridicule, récupérer le vert et le jaune et s’appeler The Norse ou Norsemen. Puis développer un logo viking génial et dire au Texas de s’en débarrasser, s’il ne leur plaît pas.

Hier, j’ai été énervé de voir cet autocollant. Wild devrait abandonner son nom ridicule, récupérer le vert et le jaune et s’appeler The Norse ou Norsemen. Puis développer un logo viking génial et dire au Texas de s’en débarrasser, s’il ne leur plaît pas.



  1. JustaRoosterJunkie

    Being more closely affiliated with the Viqueens is a hard no from me dog.

    We can’t tell Dallas to do shit, until we can actually play meaningful playoff games. This franchise has been the Stars bitch for a while.

  2. Umm, how about no.

    Wild have the best logo in the NHL. NorthStars are dead and gone, get over it.


    I was born during the North Stars last season. I’m now 31. Think it’s time to move on.

  4. PaxDragoon

    Oh, Boomer comments! Clever.

    Nostalgia’s a powerful thing. The North Stars moved on. So should we.

    We’ll always have FNG.

  5. PaxDragoon

    Oh, Boomer comments! Clever.

    Nostalgia’s a powerful thing. The North Stars moved on. So should we.

    We’ll always have FNG.

  6. CitizenStrife

    I will say no…but we can always agree to say, « Fuck Norm Green. »

  7. Radagastdl

    I like the North Stars as a 3rd jersey throwback, and Ill always have a few shirts in the closet with the logo, but the Wild are our team now. So I disagree

  8. I’m 36 so to be fair I missed basically all of the MN North Stars but…. I just wish the org and fans would move on. Not from remembering and honoring the organization that was, but people need to stop thinking of the North Stars like an ex-girlfriend/boyfriend they never got over and the Dallas Stars like their ex’s new SO that they’re forever initimidated by and jealous of.

    So caught up in their lost love that they’re sabotaging what could be moving forward (not really, but I hope you get the point).

  9. SlamFerdinand

    My least favorite thing about the Wild, is that they are called the Wild. Terrible name.

  10. Particular_Gur7378

    I like the north stars logo and colors better as well, but I wouldn’t go with more viking stuff. Thats just me though

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