@Flyers de Philadelphie

Les pires Flyers de tous les temps ?

Fatigué de tous ces messages qui critiquent les mêmes vieux idiots.

Selon vous, quels étaient les pires Flyers de tous les temps pour une raison ou une autre ?

(Je sais que nous avons déjà fait cela)



  1. Thronedgorilla

    I know he isn’t the worst but I still have nightmares of scoring a goal and seeing Vandevelde going out for the flyers during the Hakstol era.

  2. Key_Instruction_8715

    Yandle, bryzgolov. Homer blowing up a stanley cup final team, trading bobrovsky.

  3. DH28Hockey

    In the ~20 years I’ve been watching, Keith Yandles brief stint with the Flyers was the worst player I’ve seen a guy play in the orange and black

  4. Flyingchairs

    Recent players who regularly played: Chris VandeVelde, AMac, Medvedev, Colaiacovo, Brandon Manning, Lethera, Yandle

  5. Powerful_Book4444

    Chris Gratton. The hoopla over his signing was so over the top. He scored one playoff goal and sucked completely.

  6. Macdonald and Streit. I know his (Streit’s) knees were shot, but I painfully remember him trying to go from forward to backward skating, or vice versa, and shaking my head as he got burned. Him and Macdonald were agonizing. Like, you could feel a goal against coming at times.

  7. Worst as in how?

    Like talent wise we’ve have a bunch of no names come and go with no fanfare. Cup of coffee and never came back. See David Kase or a recent example. Or a guy who came here and was just dead weight like Mike Rathje

    Worst as in a bad person? Chris Simon is up there, but we just drafted him. We’ve actually lucked out in having a lot of guys hated on the ice but not a lot off. My company works with the flyers alumni for charity (non profit) and Schultz and Clarke were dicks every time. But that’s just to me, not fair to call them hated by everyone that’s met em. (Riley Cote and Joe Watson are two of the coolest ex flyers ever though)

    Worst as in hated on the ice? Probably pronger or carcillo

    Worst as in biggest letdown? Probably Pat Falloon, Nolan Patrick, or Vinny LeCavalier

  8. I’m still amazed we managed to trade away Vinny Lecavalier. Not sure anyone has played worse defensively than Kyle Calder.

  9. Icecube3343

    Erik Gustafson 2.0 probably made me the angriest of any of them in recent memory

  10. Narrow_Book_42069

    Jody Shelley was a good dude, but an absolutely not good hockey player outside of punch the face.

    Post Lockout Mike Rathje made end of career Therien look like a dynamic and athletic skater.

    Every time Carrillo touched the ice I knew the dumbest shit ever was about to happen, and I liked him. lol

    A wet paper bag was more useful for a shopping trip than Yandle was for this hockey team.

  11. Snips_Tano

    Kevin Hayes because of his cancerous Country Club lockerroom culture

  12. Far-Lingonberry-4161

    Jiri Dopita- classified as the best player not in the NHL at that time. Did absolutely nothing for the Flyers!

  13. Tom Sestito, no skill, racist, eventually played in Pittsburgh

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