@Blues de Saint-Louis

Quelqu’un d’autre est incroyablement déçu que nous mettions Quenneville sur le bulletin de vote pour le Blues Hall of Fame ?

Quelqu’un d’autre est incroyablement déçu que nous mettions Quenneville sur le bulletin de vote pour le Blues Hall of Fame ?



  1. apiratewithadd

    Shouldn’t even be allowed near any pro-am hockey event.

  2. moosehead1974

    Ummm I think what Rob Ramage did driving drunk and killing Keith Magnuson was WAY worse than anything Quenneville ever did

    Rammer is the truly questionable choice on this ballot

  3. turbulentjuic

    Yeah, fuck him and the conservative takes in this thread

  4. Ok-Reputation-2266

    Other than the Blackhawks fiasco, did he do anything else?

    Edit: I’m not defending him by any means. I only ask because I didn’t know if there was something else. Plenty of sports figures that are lionized are also huge pieces of shit.

  5. Purple_Map_507

    With names like Fuhr, Joseph, and Shanahan on the ballot, I don’t think Quenneville will get in but it is sad that the Blues have put forth his name.

  6. Courtnall14

    I think management is throwing subtle feelers out to see if fans would accept bringing him back. An example, his appearance on the Cam and Strick podcast last year.

    He can fuck right off. Some things are more important than winning.

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