@Avalanche du Colorado

C’est une nouvelle incroyable

Nouvelles de la LNH aujourd’hui – Je sais que le cycle des nouvelles de la LNH a récemment été centré sur la situation des Oilers Blues et sur le poste de capitaine d’Auston Matthews en tant que remplaçant de John Tavares, mais je ne veux pas que cette nouvelle, que je considère comme importante, passe inaperçue sur cette chaîne. Si vous voulez plus d’actualités sur l’Avalanche du Colorado ou simplement des vidéos sur l’équipe en général, faites-le moi savoir, j’ai tendance à faire beaucoup de contenu de résumé des faits saillants de Nathan Mackinnon, mais je veux discuter davantage de l’équipe dans son ensemble. Le retour de Gabriel Landeskog de blessure cette année sera fascinant à regarder, et pour plus de récapitulations, de réactions et de résumés des faits saillants de la LNH, des nouvelles et des rumeurs, des échanges et des signatures, du contenu de présentation des joueurs/équipes et plus encore, abonnez-vous. Nouvelles de hockey de la LNH 2024 #nhl #nhlnews #hockey


  1. Wait, what? Our goaltending was solid AF! A big surprise for many, but it was.
    And in terms of Landeskog coming back, I'll believe it when I see it. And when he does come back, lets hope he can 'stay healthy'.
    Not long now…

  2. Hot take i thought georgiev played as well as oettinger in round 2. The big difference was oettinger had a defense to bail him out if need be. Meanwhile georgiev was on the other end fighting for his life because his defense left him out to dry. Makar and toews are good but you cant expect them to do everything. Avs need to find another decent defensive pairing to pick up some slack imo.

  3. I couldn't see Mackinnon ever taking the captaincy from Landeskog even if he were offered. Nate has way too much class to do that.!

  4. I'd love to see you talk about my Avs more! I understand there's so much to cover, but I love seeing you talk about them.

  5. Goaltending was not the reason they lost that series against Dallas. Lack of depth and a problem named Val caused them to lose focus.

  6. Missing Landy has been a glaring hole in the lineup the last two seasons. His talent, grit, and intangibles as a leader are so important for the way the team is constructed.
    Also, I don’t think Nate would have gotten the C if Landy had to retire. He has said in interviews that he didn’t want it, so I would guess Cale would have been the choice.

  7. As an Avs fan that weathered the Joe Sacco and Patrick Roy eras, there would be no exception than Landeskog as captain. We love Nate Dogg but as long as there's a chance for Landy to come back then he has to be captain.

  8. I normally love your takes and loveeee the Avs coverage but nah Georgie slayed the playoffs dude he kept us in so many times in both series

  9. I'm a Stars fan, but watching the variety of teams through JH's lens helps me understand what the Stars will be up against, or who they fought against.

  10. C'mon dude. If you watched Avs past game one of the playoffs you'd know goaltending wasn't the problem. It was 100% the Nichuskin situation that sunk us. Hope Landy comes back in any capacity

  11. If he can come back and play well, the team is stacked: Nate, Rants, Gabe, Cale, Middlestadt, Nuke (assuming he plays again). That’s powerhouse offence.

  12. Great news about Landeskog and if the Avs had been able to have him these last two years would have been different. Add to that Oettinger outplaying us and Val's totally disaster and it wasn't gonna happen. This year we will be the team at our best wishing Landy and the Avs sustained good health and a better, more prosperous road ahead.

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