@Flames de Calgary

Calgary aurait-il dû faire un échange comme celui-ci ?

Il faut faire confiance à la vision de Conroy, mais je ne peux m’empêcher de penser que cet échange aurait pu avoir un certain avantage pour aider Huberdeau et peut-être augmenter la valeur de Laine pour le revendre à une date limite future.



  1. lastlatvian

    No thank you, we trying to rebuild — this would help short term in no way.

  2. KelownaMan

    Should we do what the team that took a first round pick for Monahan, then turned Monahan into a first round pick, is doing again to the Blue Jackets?

    This sub: Nope

  3. The-Reddit-Giraffe

    No, Liane has such a huge contract and yes we have the cap space to afford him but when we’re rebuilding we should try to keep as much space open as possible.

    Also I really don’t believe in Liane being able to avoid injuries in the future. Conroy made far better moves by acquiring other struggling players like Sharangovich and Kuzmenko. Those were masterclass trades and we got a 30 goal scoring winger out of grabbing Yegor and with Kuzmenko we could have another one depending on if we keep him or not

  4. wangster71

    Nope, smart move staying away from Laine. Conroy is doing a great job so far.

  5. L_nce20000

    It’s been made clear that the Flames are just letting things rest after 3 years of insane off seasons.

    We already have 2 players we are probably going to flip at the deadline, and need to make sure there are spots for players to take the next step.

    The Flames COULD have done this, but I don’t think they should have. It isn’t the time for it.

  6. I like the idea on principle, but I think it was a good idea to avoid this for Calgary.

    We already have a highly paid player going through some mental adversity while trying to build his career back up to previous heights. I don’t think putting a player in the same position on his line and hoping that they succeed is a great idea, even if they seem like a fit on paper.

  7. Chemical_Signal2753

    I think it was a smart move by Montreal but I don’t think the Flames are in a position to do it.

    I would argue the Flames have too many forwards in general, and too many wingers in particular, at the moment and it doesn’t make sense to take on a player like Laine. With that said, I could easily see this as being an amazing deal for Montreal as Laine could easily bounce back and be worth a first round pick or more next offseason.

  8. swordthroughtheduck

    Sure, you get a second round pick to take that contract, and can probably get another second or late first at the deadline in two years, but there is a cost associated with it that isn’t monetary or draft capital.

    You bring in Laine, and who’s going back to the minors? Coronato? Pospisil?

    You move one of them down, and now Honzek, Pelletier, and Schwindt aren’t the top of the list to get called up when there are injuries.

    Bringing in Laine slows the development of like four prospects. Like, sure, you get more picks, and those picks could be anything. They could even be Coronato, Pospisil, Honzek, Pelletier, or Schwindt!

  9. Hungry-Raisin-5328

    So harris isn’t exactly bad, so it’d be like giving them.. idk.. young miromanov? I’d rather keep a young developing player, but we’re also in a much different place than Montreal. We don’t have a player like Harris, so I value him more highly.

  10. Less-Ad-1327

    We should have been all over this.

    Another savy cap move by the Habs.

  11. No, cap space is a bigger weapon. Calgary is not in the position to be adding another big contract right now

  12. Hi_Im_Flabber

    While the acquisition cost might be similar to Monahan their situations are a fair bit different. Monahan didn’t request a trade due to mental issues. We were over the cap and had to make a trade to get under. Also I think it’s worth bringing up the current trajectory of our team vs the Habs. Laine is already in a rough mental state so going to a team that is actively trying to bottom out vs a team that has already bottomed out and is trying to improve are 2 completely different scenario’s. If Laine were to come to Calgary I feel like it could easily be more of the same issues.

  13. Nope, they had to get him out in the end because of locker room issues. So unless you want to have a pouting Laine sitting next to a pouting huberdeau, be happy that this didn’t happen.

  14. cig-nature

    I think this is exactly the kind of thing Conroy means when he says he wants to ‘weaponize’ his cap space.

    So I would expect we will make trades like this.

    My suspicion is that Conroy wasn’t willing to disturb his guys during the summer, for anything less than an obviously lop sided deal.

  15. No_Standard9311

    We’re 3-5 years away from making trades like this.

  16. Yes, 100%, those are the kind of trades Calgary should be hunting for during the next couple of seasons.

  17. FantasyHockeyNerd

    There’s too many risk factors with Laine. Concussions, mental health, absurd salary, and his position. We have alot of scoring wingers and need to make sure guys like coronato have a chance at making the team with a strong camp. If Laine was actually a center, I’d think about it

  18. Absolutely. They have a ton of wingers, but none with the game-changing potential Laine has (except Huberdeau but he’s probably not going to reach that peak again)

    Either he returns to form and you have a top line winger for the future, or he struggles and it’s a 2-year commitment that just didn’t work out in a time where cap space is a surplus for the team.

  19. The_Gaudfather

    Calgary would be smart to look for other situations where teams want out on an expensive player, yes. Calgary may have been able to secure an investment in Laine, but there will be other options

  20. dritarashtra

    Lol Laine is a fuckin choke monster. As someone who has bought his ‘upside’ in fantasy hockey, he’s just not worth it.

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