@Canadiens de Montréal

Menés 4-0, les Panthers reviennent vers une incroyable victoire 5-4

En déficit de 4-0 au début de la troisième période, les Panthers de la Floride ont marqué 4 buts sans riposte pour égaliser le score, puis ont gagné en tirs de barrage. Pour les dernières nouvelles sur le hockey, abonnez-vous à notre chaîne en cliquant sur le gros bouton rouge brillant S’ABONNER Regardez le hockey en direct où que vous soyez : https://www.nhl.com/tv Dernières nouvelles, scores, statistiques, analyses et faits saillants en temps réel : https://www.nhl.com Vous avez envie de socialiser ? Twitter : http://twitter.com/nhl Facebook : http://facebook.com/nhl Instagram : http://instagram.com/nhl


  1. Imagine paying money to see your team give up a 4-0 lead in the 3rd and then lose in shootouts

  2. Bruins fan here. Terrible game on our part, usually our second period is bad but this time it was our third period. Awful game, and we need to play better.

  3. A lost for Boston is a win for all NHL. the only thing I like that's from Boston is Dropkick Murphys.

  4. still dont understand how there wasnt a holding/hooking penalty on Bergeron for the last goal

  5. Great character building win for this young Panthers team! Its fresh in the coach Q era and hopefully this is a sign of things to come! Gotta play the entire 60 minutes and I'm happy to see the Cats finally taking that sentiment to heart. They had a severe lapse in defensive ability and goaltending for about 7 minutes which led to all 4 of those Bruins goals in the 2nd. And I remember the Boston game announcers saying the Bruins would have a stranglehold on the Panthers after the power play goal that put them up 3-0! So glad to see them eat some humble pie. The fans were in stunned silence and the Cats have come back several times this season already after being down 2 goals or more. So this is nothing new to them at this point. just another day at the office for Coach Q and his Cats! What a historic comeback win! Eat it Bruins! I cant stand the bruins!

  6. And now after the playoffs this looks so small compared to what we accomplished against the big bad bruins this year

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