@Kings de Los Angeles

Aperçu de la saison 2024-25 des LA Kings

Les Kings semblent bien partis pour rester dans cette zone de confort moyenne du classement de la LNH. Rejoignez cette chaîne pour avoir accès à des avantages : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_AFyA9FqrZ57bb9QRH77wg/join Rejoignez-nous sur notre discord pour discuter de hockey, discuter avec d’autres pendant le match, partager des photos d’animaux de compagnie et plus encore. https://discord.gg/thehockeyguy Commandez des maillots chez Ben H Sports tout en économisant 10 % sur les prix indiqués sur eBay en lui envoyant un e-mail concernant les maillots que vous repérez dans ses annonces. ben.hoogenband@yahoo.ca Dites-lui simplement que Shannon vous a envoyé. Soutenez The Hockey Guy via Patreon https://www.patreon.com/thehockeyguy https://www.facebook.com/youtubehockeyguy/ Instagram : thgshannon et thg_cats Spoutible : https://spoutible.com/TheHockeyGuy TheHockeyGuy.yt@gmail.com Contactez-moi par courrier postal à : The Hockey Guy PO Box 13063 RPO Highstreet Abbotsford, BC V2S 0C4 CANADA Aux États-Unis : il nous faut parfois quelques semaines pour y arriver. Shannon Skanes 1125 Fir Avenue Suite 119 Blaine, WA 98230


  1. This is perfect timing. I was just telling my dad this morning, that if Columbus is willing to EAT half of Laine’s existing last year @ 9mill contract, than LA should go for this disaster. Besides Gaborik for a cup of coffee, Kopitar has NEVER played with a prolific….. and NO Kempe is not HIM.

  2. Hardcore King's fan here. Always interesting to hear an educated opinion from a non-King's fan. You had some interesting takes. Many King's fans see Laferriere tried out on the 1st line because Moore had always done well with Danault. The King's 2nd line could very well look like Byfield centering Fiala and Foegele. Byfield has worked out with Foegele for a couple of off seasons up in the Edmonton area so there might be some chemistry there. That leaves Moore with Danault and either Jeannot or a rookie (Fagemo, Turcotte or Thomas). Looks like a lot of room for speculation though so your guesses are as good as anyones.

  3. Kings being royally mediocre…. except for a few major exception…. it's what they're good at throughout their history … and I say this as a lifelong LA Kings fan… 3 years in a row being Edmonton's punching bag in the opening round… and this isn't Gretzky's former teammates anymore…

  4. Ah, my perpetually underwhelming and mediocrity ridden favorite team. I'm done with hoping for more than a playoff seed and a first round exit. Blake has destroyed this team beyond salvage

  5. When the time comes for the debate, Kopitar gets my vote for the best two way player ever. I know, there's a lot of big names that people will throw out, but he has more points than any other player with multiple Selkes. And i absolutely believe he'd have more than two Selkes if he had played his career in the Eastern Conference. He's been so solid defensively, but so much better offensively than I think most realize.

  6. Kings are going to do what they always do. Finish 3rd in the pacific. So for their sake just pray Oilers win the division instead of finishing 2nd. Thinking they will miss the playoffs is total hyperbole. Who in the west is taking their spot? The middle-bottom of the leauge stinks. Utah? St. Louis? Seattle? All of those teams are incredibly mediocre

  7. I'm so glad PLD is gone, I don't care where the team lands in the standings. It's a lot more fun following a team with zero expectations.

  8. Kings desperately need Byfield and Clarke to become star players. If that happens, the future could be pretty bright. If that doesn't happen, we're likely looking at another re-tool/rebuild within the next 2-3 years. If Byfield can hit that next level and be a legit 1st line center, it completely changes the dynamic of this team. If Clarke can live up to the hype and be a 40-50+ point dynamic offensive defenseman, that also drastically changes things (he's also on an ELC for this year and next year so that's huge). If those two things happen, the Kings could be looking at something like this for their roster:
    Fiala – Byfield – Kempe (dynamic 1st line with a TON of scoring potential – Ideally all 3 are around a point/game especially if they're playing together)
    Foegele – Kopitar – Laferriere (Kopitar on the 2nd line would be a match up nightmare for opposing teams)
    Moore – Danault – Thomas (good shutdown 3rd line with some scoring potential)
    Jeannot – Turcotte – Lewis (decent energy 4th line with some bite [Jeannot])

    Anderson – Doughty
    Gavrikov – Clarke (with Clarke ideally stepping up to QB the 1st PP unit, helping to reduce Doughty's minutes a bit)
    Edmundson – Spence
    The lineup might not necessarily 'wow' people but it'd certainly be a step in the right direction to nearing the contender status. This season is going to be very interesting/telling for the Kings.

  9. If there was a list of teams looking to pry Askarov out of Nashville, LA definitely should be near or at the top of that list.

  10. Clarke is not eligible for the Calder, but he’s who I’d have my eye on. Everything that management has said this offseason points to Roy’s spot being his to lose on the preseason.

  11. I feel this team is going a little backwards. I don't trust Kuemper and they overpaid Edmundson. The 1-3-1 can only do so much. I think they barely miss. 4th in the Pacific with 89-94 points.

  12. I think LA got worse over the summer and I'm not sure they will make the playoffs this year. The central is much deeper than the Pacific, so LA will need to finish in the top 3 in the Pacific to have a real shot at the playoffs.

  13. I know they're trying to keep this thing together as long as they have Doughty and Kopitar, but they honestly need to pull the plug and do a full, proper rebuild. I don't see any other realistic path back to contention for them and they're gonna be stuck in the mushy middle until they do what's needed.

  14. I think they'll be in the playoffs again and on a lot of nights their defensive style of hockey will make it hard to tell if the players have moved off of the blueline since the national anthem(s) finished up.

  15. My Kings have a new opportunity under Hiller to be a defensive giant, gone is the 1-4-1 I hope but still, it was not enforced very well. The Panthers executed the best defense ever, especially in game 7. I hope Hiller is reviewing that lesson. Thank you, Hockey Guy.

  16. This might be the most mid team in the league. Will probably make the playoffs, but I don’t think they’re a contender

  17. Oh I miss those uni’s!!! I have one but it has the yellow stripe down the sleeves. This team isn’t quite up to competing with the better teams, but I think will claw their way to the 8th seed playoff spot. Then out they go.

  18. Kings can't be worrying about trying to beat the Oilers so much. They need to worry about addressing, if they can improve their goal scoring, PP and starting goalie. The Kings lack offensive attack/goal scoring from their D. Besides Doughty, are they gonna get a scoring boost from Clarke/Spence as well? If the Kings get more offense from their back end, then opponents have to respect that more, which opens more scoring opportunities for the forwards. How are they gonna setup their PP this season? Clarke should be the focus and not Doughty, on the 1st unit. Byfield has to become an 80 pt player 1C. Kempe is their top goal scorer, but who else is gonna step up? Kuemper has to take a strong hold on being the #1(Talbot because of his age, faded away in the 2nd half of the season), with Rittich pushing him(55/27 in terms of starter/backup ratio). Coaching wise, I don't like the defense first philosophy, unless the transition game gets quicker to generate offense. Not sure it's in Hiller's coaching philosophy to have his roster become more aggressive and less passive. In other words, I don't want this team sitting on leads like they have done the past 2 seasons.

  19. I imagine it's a subject already beaten to death…dry-erase boards over high-def monitors?
    All that writing?
    Whatever floats your boat I guess.

  20. Kings are a good team and can go further in the playoffs I believe, but their system doesn’t match up against faster teams.
    Kempe is criminally underrated, byfield is breaking out, kopitar is arguably the best two way player ever, doughty is still elite, Spence I feel is underrated, let’s see what Clarke can do and a lot of middling talent. Goaltending is iffy but can hold their own.

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