@Sabres de Buffalo

Le nouvel attaquant des Sabres est le dernier candidat à l’éclosion de l’équipe

Le nouvel attaquant des Sabres est le dernier candidat à l’éclosion de l’équipe



  1. Sea-Performance-7806

    There’s a lot of **ifs** in this article, but an up year for him would mollify the fanbase.

  2. Roguemutantbrain

    Just a minor difference, but really Edmonton’s group is much stronger at the top of the lineup. It kind of makes it sound like he’ll get a top six shot they way they put it

  3. Consider_Kind_2967

    Anyone else click on this and read it? It’s like 50 words. Not even an article. Weird

  4. Yop_BombNA

    I have 3 opinions on this season.

    1) our depth is a lot better now

    2)if cozens and Tage return to year before last form and Quinn bounces back into form we make the playoffs.

    3) if we aren’t going to use the cap space why the fuck did we buy out skinner? Just ride out the contract so it doesn’t fuck you later if you aren’t using the space…

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