@Red Wings de Détroit

Un membre du Temple de la renommée des Red Wings sous le feu des critiques internationales



  1. I suppose a denunciation would be nice, but * »The Hall of Fame has maintained that they do not consider candidate’s nationality or country of origin when considering inductees, which is why they are planning to follow through with Datsyuk’s induction. « *

    Good enough for me. 

  2. He’s not « under fire internationally ».

    The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) is pissed he’s Russian and ***was present*** *for a tournament « dedicated to the memory of two ‘veterans’ of Russia’s war against Ukraine. »*

    Pavel went to a hockey tournament. The tournament was dedicated to 2 dead soldiers. UCC thinks that is an endorsement of the war.

    Edit: Hit submit to early.

  3. OrganicMechanicTTV

    If an American president sent soldiers to a war that was globally frowned upon, I would not hold it against the soldiers they sent by boycotting a memorial for their needlessly lost lives.

    I can’t bring myself to an « all Russians are evil » mindset. I would venture that the vast majority of Russian soldiers would rather be at home than in Putin’s meat grinder.

    Datsyuk is being inducted for his hockey exploits. His politics shouldn’t be in consideration. Are they going to keep Ovi out too? It’s stupid.

  4. thegonzojoe

    A strongly worded letter from an organization which has no relevance to hockey. And covered exclusively on the C blog for SI.

    Yeah, I can feel the heat from here. Really under 🥱🥱🥱 oops meant 🔥🔥🔥

  5. WealthyUnionMan

    How’s this different from LCA honoring Vietnam and Iraq war vets every damn game?

  6. OctoWings13

    Magic Man Pavel Datsyuk is a beloved world wide treasure. Fuck any randoms who talk shit about him

  7. Lydia_Brunch

    I loved Pavs as a Wing, and I think he’s one of the best to play the game. That said, Putin frequently keeps elite Russian athletes close (he and Ovechkin are pals, if Instagram is any indication…) and it bums me out that Datsyuk either is a supporter of Putin or feels he is unable to reject an invite to an event celebrating this war (and, surely also Putin) for fear of retaliation. I’ve got no problem with him going in to the HoF. It’s maybe not the best timing, politically, but he belongs there so why not.

  8. Spectre1-4

    What a bunch of clowns lol

    Dats belongs in the Hall of Fame and I say this as someone who gets a chub seeing Russians routed.

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