@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Les Penguins de Pittsburgh reçoivent la Coupe Stanley 2017 de la LNH.

Deuxième chaîne : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCci5iEwOG8fN3WKw5L7wu_A Les Penguins de Pittsburgh reçoivent la Coupe Stanley 2017 de la LNH. Je ne possède aucun des clips présentés dans cette vidéo. Faits saillants de la LNH tous les jours.


  1. What a joke..Don Cherry wearing a USA suit with Ron McClean still kissing ass for a paycheck by showing Cherry in an old com`l with his dog Blue which was so lame, but it stroked Cherrys ego of course. I quit watching the NHL years ago and see why as this was the first time watching the NHL final again and my last time after seeing these pathetic referees ruining the game. Nashville won the game and the fix is in for Mario Le Pew and his hairy Pitts. The NHL died with Gretzky..The best team ever was the 1984-85 Edmonton Oilers and never will be repeated again…CASE CLOSED!

  2. Hurricanes fan here, Thanks Crosby for letting my boy Ron go 2nd, it meant a lot to him and his fans in Carolina, thanks bud

  3. I was really hoping that a good team like Nashville would've been able to win the Stanley cup but nope, the god damn pens had to take away from a team that doesn't normally make it that far TWICE!!!!

  4. Steel City Sage Say Ringhopper
    nothing sweeter for
    Pittsburgh HockeyHugger
    than to dip puck in cup

  5. Hey Nashville at least you got to see a title won on your ice LOL. Now go back to passing out rule cards and chanting incorrect names. Congrats on 2nd place

  6. Baby boy won the cup! The league is a joke with all the lame calls…create another cup with a baby nipple on it

  7. re TheNightGamers

    My comment has nothing to do with sour grapes and everything to do with:

    Bettman rules of hockey

    No 1 rule
    keep Canadian teams out of the final round of Stanley cup play offs.

    No2 rule
    have officials understand who is the choosen team for this years finals
    and for them to make corresponding calls to control the games according to that goal, such as giving one team extra penalties, or looking away at off sides and illegal hits,

    No3 rule
    give the US teams every advantage over the Canadian teams, when it comes to making a call

    No4 Rule:
    have officials disallow goals clearly scored, in order to support Rule 2

  8. It was real nice of Ron White and Stephen Colbert to bring the Stanley Cup out. And set to Captain America's theme!

  9. Make sure NHL ref Kevin Pollock gets his name on the Cup along with all the Penguins. Kevin deserves his name on the Cup!

  10. Am I the only one that has no idea why the play the Captain America March song for a Canadian award?? I've been curious about this for years…

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