@Golden Knights de Vegas

Mark Stone en sous-effectif

Mark Stone en sous-effectif



  1. Steve_Hunts96

    A moment, and a game, that for as long as I live, will be etched into my soul.

  2. Cut the excruciating goalless tension of game 5. Easily the loudest I’ve ever cheered for a goal in my living room. Voice was done for the rest of the night right then and there and there were still many screams to be scrum! GKG!

  3. NoahtheRed

    I was in the Shake Shack at NYNY for that goal. The place was PACKED to the gills. Behind me were a couple that clearly didn’t know what was happening. I think the fact it was the middle of June in Vegas and every screen in the city had the game on was a shock to them.

    « What’s going on? »

    « We’re playing Florida for the Stanley Cup! »

    « Where are they playing? »

    « HERE »

    « What happens if you win tonight? »

    « We win it all! »

    « WHAT?!? »

    That night was a core memory getting unlocked. I’ll never forget the chanting in Toshiba Plaza as the clock ticked down in the last seconds.

    « We. Own. The. Cup! We. Own. The. Cup! We. Own. The. Cup! »


    Followed by the loudest crowd noise I’ve ever experienced. In an instant, the 50.000 or whatever people in the Plaza erupted like a boiling kettle of gold. Drinks went flying. People (me, I was people) were crying. It was insane. Viva Las Vegas blasted from every corner of the strip. And that energy stuck around for MONTHS in Vegas.

    We’ll get there again.

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