@Rangers de New York

pourquoi il est toujours dans l’équipe. le camp approche à grands pas

pourquoi il est toujours dans l’équipe. le camp approche à grands pas



  1. NoReplacement9001

    Careful, bro, this sub will stone you to death for wanting to do better (look at my post history) 😂

  2. Remember when people thought we had a rockstar free agency in 2019? Lol

    For a guy that forced his way to NY, we gave up a first round pick (no idea why), 8.5mil AAV for 6 years and a NMC. What a terrible signing.

    Can you imagine we didn’t have Fox? This pylon would be the number one d man, running PP1 shooting 30 ft wide of the net

  3. cubicgelatin

    i mean we cant really trade him and he’s just a grossly overpaid dman who happens to be our captain.

    If he were paid like 1.5-2mil a year for two more years no one would have a problem with his mediocre play. its just a bad contract and sadly we may just need to wait it out since no other team would want a contract like his.

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