@Jets de Winnipeg

Top Lyne Winnipeg Jets – Meilleur Yager que jamais

Dans le rapport spécial hors saison d’aujourd’hui de Top Lyne Winnipeg Jets, Nik et Brady sont ici pour analyser l’échange de Rutger McGroaty pour Breydan Yager et comment cela peut avoir un impact sur les perspectives de l’équipe cette année et l’année prochaine. Ensuite, les garçons essaient de décoder l’étrange conférence de presse de Kevin Cheveldayoff et si cette situation pourrait signaler le début d’un véritable mouvement de jeunesse à Winnipeg ? Les Jets ont-ils fait assez avec cet échange ? Est-ce vraiment une situation où il vaut mieux avoir Yager que jamais ? Parlons-en. Rejoignez la conversation sur Top Lyne Media. @NikLynam @BradyRicketts19 @TopLyneMedia 🎙️ #NHLJets #HockeyTalk #TopLyneMedia #Yager #BetterYagerThanNever


  1. Definitely like the trade from a positional scarcity and having multiple chances at developing a centre. Interesting they arrived at the best course of action incoroporating youth and not comitting to any bad long term contracts by accident. I am tired of hearing people bring up last years top 4 regular season finish like it was an accomplishment and something to build on, teams generally dont place much value on playoff position. This team won with depth, goaltending and because teams don't care about playing a random game against the Jets in January. This team doesn't have the talent to make a deep run unless the young players step up. I would definitely be fine with taking a step back if it means getting experience for the young players. The sooner you get them acclimated into the NHL game and routine the sooner you begin to see them becoming contributers. If you can move 2 or 3 players into key roles along with Pionk and Iafflo expiring contracts, and the Wheeler buyout expiring they will be in position to make some key moves. Of course the Kyle Connor contract always looms in the future and I am afraid that has the potential to be a bad contract 2 or 3 years in.

  2. Hey Nik and Brady, that was an awesome show!!

    Lots of thoughts on the trade of McGroarty for Yager and I agreed with pretty much everything that is being said. I think Yager will surprise us and I watched a bunch of his highlights, noting that he can position himself interchangeably between left and right, as well as centre. I didn't see one position being especially strong, which could be a unique quality. He is also a faster skater and I'm wondering if at some point he centres Nik and possibly Brad. But alternately, I'd also like to see a sample size of Vilardi on centre, the chemistry he and Nik had was noticeable and I think it should have been given more of a chance to develop last season.

    I see the Jets being competitive this coming season for sure, and there is some uncertainty as we haven't had a big sample size of the kids waiting to come up to the team. Wondering what you think of the thought of giving 10 games to every up-and-comer, and the only way they go back down is if their sample size results are dismal. Otherwise they stay up. We got a bunch of new players for the Moose over the summer so that should be fine if some of the top guys stay with Jets. I know Brayden will have to stay at WHL or at NHL level so his path will look a bit different than our Moose players.

    Going to be a fun year and I've invested in 1/4 seasons, with the driving involved that was all I could do for the upcoming season.

    Thanks Nik and Brady, keep up the good work. 🙂

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