@Canadiens de Montréal

Bravo mon garçon Patrik !

"Hm, je vois." prend note "Pioche, pioche !"



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  2. Frites_Sauce_Fromage

    For those who don’t know: Laine is a known hardcore fortnite player and redditors used to track his playtime before he started using a burner account. Was playing ~2h30 on average per day in 2018 (being a professional athlete who’s on the road half the time)




    ~~That’s kinda sweet that he switched to french. I first learned english with videogames~~

  3. Spicy_Pickle_6

    What he does outside of working hours should be nobody’s business

  4. Patient_Fan_1993

    Wow I’m in love 🥰

    Fortnite and French 🥹

  5. EatonHass_24-7

    Laine spends less time on video games than the troglodytes who make fun of him for playing video games.

  6. gletschertor

    He would be happy to know that Epic Games have an office in Montreal

  7. BubbleGumPlant

    I’m going to take the high road and downvotes and put it out there that we shouldn’t joke about someone’s addiction. You wouldn’t joke about Carey’s alcoholism so let’s be a positive community and not joke about Laine’s current or past addiction(s). 

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