@Flames de Calgary

Écoutez Jon Abbott commenter les buts des Flames pour la toute première fois

Découvrez le style de jeu de Jon Abbott, alors que nous avons recréé certains de nos buts préférés de la saison dernière


  1. Really smart to make this reel before the news was posted so inquiring minds have something to check out immediately. Sounds really good, looking forward to the season 🙂

  2. No one will ever beat Rick Ball as our commentator, but this guy is VERY good. He doesn't have that extremely annoying and monotone announcing like a lot of current announcers do, so I'm very pleased with the choice.

  3. I couldn't remember what his voice sounded like, thanks for doing this. Really sad that Rick Ball left but really happy to hear Jon Abbott taking over

  4. Definitely a good hire. I was wondering who was calling the games from these vids. Looking forward for all the games he’ll be calling, hopefully for many years and great memories too!

  5. Ill miss Rick Ball, I found him really enjoyable to listen to. But Jon Abbott sounds better than whatever I was picturing the flames getting for a commentator

  6. Rick ball left some big shoes to fill, but Jon sounds pretty good. As good as summer is, bring on the fall so we can get to hockey season! GFG!

  7. Seems kinda slow for my liking. Maybe hes just figuring out who is who by the numbers still. Wish him well regardless. Go Flames Go!
    (As an aside… what was the commentary on the fanned shot? Did he just say Shawn Stop? Shot Stop?)

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