@Canadiens de Montréal

Lane Hutson bat le record du drive le plus long !

Lane Hutson bat le record du drive le plus long !



  1. DiegoTraveller

    Excellent. Kid has a solid swing. Translates to his shot on the ice too, I hear

  2. smellyfrog0811

    Now imagine what you could do with a glove Lane!

  3. That’s an iron stance with a driver.

    I can’t imagine trying to hit that ball with a driver. I’d just hit the top and it would roll.

  4. I know nothing about golf but it seems to say he is 3rd longest drive ever, not first. Am I wrong?

  5. Burgergold

    Man I saw Robidas images from the golf. What did they feed him on Robidas Island? Dude took some serious weight

  6. ukrainianhab

    That swing won longest drive 😬 given our playoff attendance the last few year I expect better !!!! Lol

  7. jockey1381

    Cum on my Christ I wish I had legs like Hutson!!

    Downvoting me why exactly?

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