@Blackhawks de Chicago

La carrière sous-estimée de Corey Crawford avec les Blackhawks de Chicago

La carrière sous-estimée de Corey Crawford avec les Blackhawks de Chicago



  1. SendNoodles__

    Loved watching him be our tendy. He’s probably my favorite goalie of all time

  2. Gotta be among the all-time most underrated hoisters of the Cup.

  3. LegendaryWarriorPoet

    Posted a comment in this sub a few days ago asserting much the same. Crawford had a career 918 save percentage with us, that would’ve been tied for third in the league last year. Four times he had a .924 or better which is just outstanding. he was so good on high danger chances, including breakaways and shootouts, and apart from 2011 was money in the playoffs. It’s actually a little weird too because he was widely regarded as an elite top five goaltender for a few years there, he was consistently praised/shouted out in the media, but now is sort of forgotten and way underrated even by some other Hawks fans

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