@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Jack Edwards est furieux qu’Andreas Johnsson ait tué la pièce

Jack Edwards est furieux qu’Andreas Johnsson ait tué la pièce



  1. Deluxechin

    This is an absolute classic, I remember quoting it on here during the Bruins v Leafs series in the spring and 0 people got it

  2. New-Simple9213

    My god he is insufferable. He talking about peewee games while he sounds like a literal child throwing a tantrum.

  3. Ah the old “maybe if there was bone sticking out” call. I’ll miss laughing at his calls but won’t miss him.

  4. ArtificialTroller

    On one hand I’m so happy he’s gone, on the other hand I don’t want the Bruins to have nice things and I have to assume anyone else with or without a pulse is better than Jack Edwards.

  5. The funniest is the clip where he yells « GET UP! GET UP! » to some Habs player (I think) when they were in the playoffs

    Honestly I enjoy seeing the homer feeds in those first round when there are too many games to cover nationally. Jack is a character and he got the quick end to his career that he deserved

  6. snipingsmurf

    Lets be real, if he were a Leafs homer we’d love him lol.

  7. Dude should worry about the horrible things his sin did and disappear

  8. Johnny-Edge

    Imagine the Leafs had an announcer that loved the Leafs this much.

    Oh yeah, we do, and they relegated him to the fuckin radio. Fuck you sportsnet.

  9. Guy was literally up and on his way to the bench when they blew it down. So glad Edwards is cooked.

  10. Such a clown. I’m sure he’s a nice guy but he won’t he missed

  11. Interfan14

    This guys voice alone should be banned from being aired in public. Not to mention his commentary. Im honestly a pretty casual leafs fan at best but cant stand this guy.

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