@Canadiens de Montréal

Rapport de dépistage sur David Reinbacher et Vinzenz Rohrer qui ont joué 2 matchs exhibition avec l’Autriche. Le tournoi de qualification pour les Jeux Olympiques d’hiver commence le 29 août.

J’ai regardé ces deux matchs et j’ai fait un rapport de dépistage sur les deux espoirs des Canadiens de Montréal.

Reinbacher se sentait plus grand, plus rapide et plus agressif sur la rondelle.

Rohrer était, comme toujours, impliqué, rapide et responsable.



  1. Great write-up! Especially love the section about his transition puck-moving. There seems to be a lot of misconceptions in the fanbase about him being a stay-at-home defenseman; he’s not the flashiest offensive talent, but a major part of his game is how he can push the puck up the ice and make reads at a high level in all three zones.

    I’m hoping we get some updated height/weight stats for him at the start of the season – like you said in the article he seems like he’s grown, and might be a legit 6’4 now. During his draft year he was generally listed at 6’2 iirc, so that would be a pretty decent jump.

  2. VR46Rossi420

    Hopefully these games will get him really flying into camp and to start the season.

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