@Islanders de New York

Ovechkin pourrait très bien dépasser Gretzky au chapitre des buts de tous les temps dans l’un ou l’autre de ces matchs…

Avec notre longue histoire de concessions de buts et ces matchs désormais diffusés à la télévision nationale, il semble qu’un autre moment des Islanders se dessine. Quelqu’un savait ce qu’il faisait en créant le calendrier mdr.

Si j’étais vous, j’achèterais des billets pour ces deux matchs. Dans le pire des cas, vous subiriez une petite perte sur les deux. Dans le meilleur des cas, vous feriez un gros bénéfice, ou mieux encore, vous assisteriez à un moment majeur de l’histoire du sport.



  1. Nah, Dobson will be in prime Norris trophy contention and reborn Sorokin will have a 1.000 sv% through the season. Ovechkin has no chance.

  2. bren_derlin

    He needs 43 to pass Gretzky. He started to show some drop off last year and only scored 31. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him not break the record at all this year.

  3. AJS76reddit

    I think eventually he does it, but who passes him?

    I don’t begrudge the guy, but it’s so beyond obvious that if not chasing this record he would be over and done by now. He’s a shadow of his former self and holding the CRAPitals franchise hostage.

  4. crazyhotwheels

    I always feel like the whole “we always give up milestone moments” is overblown, literally every single fanbase in every sport says it. Every single time a team reporter tweets out “Prospect X is making his NHL debut for [opposing team] tonight” the replies are filled with “first career goal/win/shutout incoming.” Maybe the stars will align for Ovechkin to break the record against us. But the notion that the Islanders or any other team are uniquely prone to giving opposing players these kind of moments is silly.

  5. Guynotincognito

    He’ll miraculously do it in both somehow knowing what we give up for other players special nights.

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