@Avalanche du Colorado

Johnny Gaudreau, joueur des Blue Jackets de Columbus, et son frère Matthew Gaudreau tués dans un accident de vélo dans le New Jersey

Johnny Gaudreau, joueur des Blue Jackets de Columbus, et son frère Matthew Gaudreau tués dans un accident de vélo dans le New Jersey



  1. coloch_w0rth9

    This is absolutely tragic. I was really hoping he’d have a bounce back year. I’m sure we will show some class and do some sort of tribute in solidarity on opening night

  2. He was a fantastic player and seemed like an excellent guy. The fact that his brother left this world with him too makes it so much worse. RIP Johnny and Matthew.

  3. Outside_Abroad_3516

    I know it isn’t Avs related but fuck man this hurts. And it gets leaked by some guy texting it in his group chat and reported early by Tim Peel. RIP.

  4. Everything about this is devastating. My heart goes out to their family.

  5. Inevitable_Goose_435

    Shocking and heartbreaking. Sorry for his family and blue jackets/flames bros

  6. I don’t know if it’s because I heard a lot about Johnny on Chiclets or it’s just the fact I’ve never really experienced an athlete of his talent passing in their prime before, but I’m really rocked by this news. It’s hard to even process.

    Can’t even remotely imagine the pain that family is going through.

  7. First Matiss Kivlenieks and now Johnny Gaudreau for Columbus, such terrible events taking away great people, it isn’t fair

  8. spooktember

    Oh God, that’s horrible. RIP to them both and my heart goes out to their families. This is just so terrible, I can’t imagine the devastation those families are feeling now.

  9. Due_Aide_1953

    That story is very sad. 2 brothers gone right before their sister’s wedding. Condolences to his wife, children, parents and sibling/s. He also just celebrated his birthday on August 13th.

  10. cmdr_data22

    That’s absolutely terrible. My heart goes out to their family. This is an unimaginable loss for them.🥺

  11. themrs0830

    So so sad 💔. I read his sister was supposed to get married today and Johnny and his brother were supposed to be groomsmen. Heartbreaking all around.

  12. Starbucks__Lovers

    Fuck the medical examiner for leaking this to his group chat

  13. GhostRevival

    Truly awful, I feel so bad for the family. Drunk drivers are scum.

  14. freshigboprince

    Tragic all the way around… RIP. DO NOT DRIVE DRUNK!!

  15. Condolences to his family, loved ones and the CBJ fan base.

  16. TheVIRUS1973

    As much as I loved to hate on this guy for catching the name Johnny Hockey, he always seemed like a good guy and a great representative of the sport. I’ll never forget watching him jump out of his skates at the sound of the cannon in Columbus when he was still playing with the flames. Nobody deserves to go out like this and my heart goes out to his family.

  17. As a human, this sucks. As a hockey fan this sucks.

    As a cyclist who was hit from behind by a drunk driver, I’m upset. Why. Does. This. Continue.

    I feel terrible for the Gaudreau family. And for hockey. RIP Johnny hockey.

  18. I’m going to get a “share the road” license plate now. It’s the least I can do. Nobody should die on a bike.

  19. Everything about this tragedy is awful. I came to Calgary in 2006 on their slide back to dull hockey. When Johnny came in as a rookie he totally changed the dynamic and trajectory of the franchise. It was incredible to watch such an undersized guy be so effective.

    Go Johnny go…

  20. Absolutely brutal news to wake up to this morning. The rumors were out there last night, but they really seemed to just be some asshole on twitter trying to start drama.

    Devastated for his friends and family. Just horrible news and events.

  21. Hate these goddamn headlines. This was not a bicycle accident, it was vehicular manslaughter at the very least. Absolutely tragic for their family and the hockey community. RIP

  22. owleealeckza

    Man. I live in Columbus. Losing 2 players in recent years is awful.

  23. ILoveTales

    As someone who loves cycling and rides regularly, this hits close to home. Really shows how fragile life is. RIP to Johnny and Matthew and condolences to their family.

  24. You didn’t have to be a fan of one of his teams to root or Johnny Hockey. This is just absolutely shocking and devastating. The hockey world is a tight-knit community. RIP Johnny. Fuck drunk drivers.

  25. kiptheenglish

    Heartbreaking day for the Gaudreau family and the hockey world. Stick taps for Johnny and Matthew.

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