@Avalanche du Colorado

La tragique nouvelle de Gaudreau m’a fait penser à l’un des plus beaux buts que j’ai jamais vu


Gaudreau avec le pickpocket dans la passe incroyable à Mack qui, bien sûr, termine de façon spectaculaire !



  1. No_Jackfruit_5647

    Ryan Murray and Drouin were on that team too?

  2. I used to work at a private golf course south of Denver and one day shortly after this tourney, Mackinnon and Alex Tanguay roll up to the bar I was working. I start fan girling hard since I’ve been an avs fan my whole life. I tell Mackinnon hey man that goal in the World Cup was so sick and he replies “I’ll never be able to do that again man I don’t have hands”. I was immediately like yeah right, but it shows how humble Mack really is we are lucky af to have him on our team.

  3. I just posted this on /r/hockey – didn’t see that you had posted it too. One of my favorite plays of all time.

    I remember watching live and knowing exactly what Don Cherry would say: « See kids! All you kids at home watch.. wa…watching this, THIS IS WHY YA DON’T GIVE UP ON A PLAY. »

  4. Unreal Skill: The Video 

    From Johnny’s hustle to MacK’s absolute control of the puck to Lundquist’s heroic attempt to match that skill… 🤌🫡

    Just so much packed in a small segment.

  5. Leave-A-Note

    What a great play. Gaudreau had so many more years to provide us.

    Breaks my damn heart. Hug your fam and friends.

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