@Sharks de San José

Est-ce que quelqu’un connaît le nom de ce joueur des Sharks de San Jose ? Je l’ai dessiné pendant le cours d’art, mais je n’étais pas sûr de qui il était ! Il portait le numéro 24 ! Il a l’air plutôt cool.

Ne vous moquez pas non plus de mon dessin mdr, je pratique toujours l’art !



  1. y_u_heff_to_be_mad

    Niklas Sundström – he’s actually a scout for the Sharks now.

  2. SpacemanSpliffEsq

    Nicklas Sundstrom. Eventually part of the best third line in hockey.

  3. BabaBearBBQBayDad

    Didn’t Wayne Gretzky once say Niklas was one of the smartest players he’d ever played with in their short Rangers stint?

  4. southtxsharksfan

    These are the sharks of my childhood. I wish we’d hear more from them on the sharks radio/podcast.

    There’s some players who really taught me what it was to play that position. Even guys who weren’t here long but were here during an important transition in the franchise.

    We have some guys like that right now in Rutta, grandlund. Guys that probably won’t be here when we’re back in the playoffs but are important to the culture/ transition of the team.

  5. LtCmdrJimbo

    Niklas Sundström! One of his Sharks jerseys hangs inside a frame in the café of Visättra Sportcenter, home arena of the Swedish hockey team Flemingsberg.

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