@Blue Jackets de Columbus


J’ai tourné la page de mon calendrier CBJ ce matin. Ce sera un mois difficile. J’espère que son image apportera plus de guérison que de souffrance à tous ceux qui ont ce calendrier.

Repose en paix Johnny.



  1. Defiant-Youth5067

    He’s September on mine too, although it’s a different picture/calendar. Still doesn’t feel real

  2. invaderscs

    I feel like its a perfect way to remember him for the whole month even though it may be tough.

  3. howinteresting127

    Damn. Makes me think of the Green Day song, tbh. Unfortunately a somewhat fitting song for these times… It still doesn’t feel real.

  4. Wake me up when September ends 🎶, I have been sick over this for days now.

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