@Kraken de Seattle

Racing at La Vuelta 2024 Stage 17 – Boo de Piélagos, Spain on ROUVY

1er septembre 2024 Salut les coureurs… Très bien les coureurs, il est temps pour une autre course courte du dimanche de l’équipe GRC. Nous sommes en plein dans les affres de La Vuelta 2024, avec une tonne d’itinéraires Challenge à parcourir. La course s’améliore chaque semaine, les frappeurs sortent pour jouer. Avertissement complet, je suis en vacances en ce moment les coureurs donc je n’ai pas mon équipement complet, j’ai été aux prises avec des problèmes techniques et cela se reproduit aujourd’hui. Ma caméra et la vidéo se bloquent juste après l’arrivée du groupe principal de frappeurs. Cependant, nous avons toujours l’audio, vous pouvez donc écouter pendant que j’appelle la course et que je parle de choses au hasard. Notes de l’émission : L’itinéraire : https://riders.rouvy.com/route/96408 Vous voulez aider la chaîne ? https://www.buymeacoffee.com/InsideCyclingWorld Sponsors : contactez-moi si vous souhaitez vous joindre à nous. Des idées sympas ou tout ce dont vous aimeriez que je parle, peut-être aimeriez-vous m’envoyer quelque chose par courrier ? un autocollant local ou quelque chose indiquant d’où vous venez ? Veuillez me contacter via mon e-mail


  1. Hey Colin you are correct “go slow to go fast”if as you say you always hit it hard you are giving yourself no chance to improve. Mindful use of the power zones will let you develop both better power at lower Heartrate and the the ability to build that midrange fitness. Great commentary as always.

  2. Covering while on Vacation? That’s dedication right there 👍🏼! 😅. I am 42 btw, early 30s passed me by a while ago!!

  3. I was pretty tired for this race today following the longer than usual muckers race this morning.
    I was trying everything physically possible to try and break up my group as it got to 10 riders at one point. managed to split things up with two attacks about a minute apart.
    managed to get it down to just myself and Carlo for the final 1500m and just laid out everything my legs would allow with 270m to go (although I did relax a little when the 500m timer appear to give out a false sense of security.

    was a good tactical race today. Im pretty sure that everyone who gets to those small speed bumps is thinking "I wish you'd all take it a little easy for once and not go flat out 9 + w/kg just to get to the top first", but that will never happen.

  4. Hi Colin, I did Portillo de La Sia yesterday and today with Muckers I did Manzaneda, plus other two stages around 750-800 meters each. Was happy to ride with D.J.Dyer7, needed, now is just recovering for probably tomorrows GRC race. Thanks for what you do for us!!!!

  5. Thanks for doing the commentary every Sunday morning on these races, Colin. Technical difficulties happen so, no worries mate. You are the Phil Liggett and Bob Roll of ROUVY! I've only been on ROUVY for a month and a half and I've lost 10 pounds (4.5 kilos). As a 54 year old, Metallica was my favorite band in high school. Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets are still two of my favorite albums of all time. R.I.P. Cliff Burton. Thanks again, Colin!

  6. Just had a thought. I tend to live stream all of my races, so if you ever want to screen capture what is going on from a different perspective then feel free to flip between screens. Thought about this last night when your video froze.

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