@Capitals de Washington


Les notes de compétences semblent folles. C’est peut-être juste moi et mes œillères de casquettes, mais j’ai eu l’impression qu’à la fin de la saison dernière et lors des séries éliminatoires, son patinage était l’un de ses meilleurs outils. Il y avait des moments où il ressemblait au patineur le plus rapide sur la glace et il allait d’un bout à l’autre de la patinoire comme personne ne l’avait fait depuis Prime Kuzy.



  1. The athletic has terrible coverage of the caps now that Tarik is off their staff. This type of stuff happens when you have writers who are forced to pretend that they know about every prospect and player in the league. No one who has watched Lapierre would suggest his skating is anything lower than above average.

  2. doctorake38

    The kid has potential but he still is an AHL/NHL player. Of course he is currently below average.

    Hopefully this season we see him break through.

  3. Leesburgcapsfan

    To be fair, i think this has historically been one of his biggest knocks as a prospect, but i think its also something that he has been working on alot. My guess is that the grades are based on older info, or have not been updated based on newer eyes on (like him dominating the AHL Playoffs).

  4. EhhhhhhWhatever

    CP lost a ton of respect from me the second I read his list. It was so out of touch.

  5. I would say that he’s an average skater at this point. He’s an above average AHL skater, though.

  6. brandeneast

    It’s amazing how little I know about hockey and how national media seems to know even less. Of course, they know the sport better but they just don’t care and/or are wildly uninformed about the Caps. I imagine fans of small market non-Canadian teams often feel the same way.

  7. Busy-Apartment-2054

    In the NHL games he is wicked fast so 🤷‍♂️

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