@Lightning de Tampa Bay

#1 Le joueur le plus sous-estimé de notre franchise ?

1 Le joueur le plus sous-estimé de la franchise ?

Pour le contexte, on m’a recommandé ce post sur mon fil d’actualité https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/s/312GEpMF7G

Et j’ai pensé que ce serait amusant de le faire ici



  1. After 24 hours I’ll put the player that has the most upvoted comment in the box

  2. nautica5400

    Ondrej Palat

    Often overshadowed by Kuch and TyJo in the triplets line.

    Dude played multiple roles for us and was always clutch.

  3. Ruslan Fedotenko. Was the do everything guy in the 04 run, amazing team player!

  4. denimmaestro

    I always thought Anton stralman went under the radar.

  5. nautica5400

    Ben Bishop…he gets praise but what he really provided this franchise with, in terms of much needed stability in goal.

    While also providing the team time for Vasy to develop.

  6. Alex Killorn. The difference between him and other players mentioned here, a lot of people don’t like him and really didn’t understand and appreciate the consistency he brought to the team.

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