@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[knieshive] moi, j’empêche Mitch Marner de voir l’extension Draisaitl AAV

[knieshive] moi, j’empêche Mitch Marner de voir l’extension Draisaitl AAV



  1. CamBlapBlap

    Mitch and Drai may as well play in different leagues.


  2. Flashy_Ferret_1819

    The only thing Mitch and Drai have in common is that commercial

  3. IandouglasB

    Toxic Toronto Fans can’t wrap their puny little brains around the fact that Marns would be worshipped if he played for any of the other 31 teams. I don’t blame him for the attitude because of all the hate FROM LEAF FANS who are confused by actual stats but are butt-hurt cause they haven’t won a cup in my lifetime…55 years.
    Fuck all y’all…GO MITCH! GO LEAFS GO!!!

  4. Actual_Cobbler_6334

    Draisaitl’s cap hit has absolutely nothing to do with what Marner gets. If anything, his cap hit is based off Nylander and that’s it. They have their own internal structure.

  5. GritGrinder

    I’d prefer a better goalie rather than Mitch at 14 lmao

  6. LostBeneathMySkin

    Why don’t you idiots just go cheer for the Oilers. Fuck sake never seen a fanbase so down on one of their star players. Makes me sick.

  7. Why do I feel like they will resign him for pretty much the same deal maybe a bit more.

  8. BlueHotCoconut

    Mitch’s camp sees these comments and thinks « Ha! Idiots don’t even know that Mitch is even better. »

  9. dntstpblevin

    Dri is being paid more than Matthews. So this has no impact on Marner.

    He will take more than Nylander and less than Matthews which is exactly where he is in terms of ability on the team.

    Hopefully he takes a discount, but even if he does it won’t be enough for a lot of folks who just need to hate someone on the team at all times.

  10. ClammyDefence

    He shouldn’t be on the team after this contract ends. Let another team overpay with a no-trade clause for him.

  11. rTorontoModsSuck89

    Lol if Mitch thinks him and Leon are even playing the same game. Delusional.

  12. I thought this was a good thing, Marner is actually not even close to draisaitl, so he should get 10. If anything, all our stars are overpaid based on this. Leon has been arguably number two best player in the league for few years. He earned less in his first contract. So oilers have to pay up. Similar to Nylander.

    Marner is overpaid, he is a winger, he hasn’t shown dominance in playoffs, he is small physically still. Marner at best should get Nylander contract

  13. rollingdownthestreet

    Why is Mitch still a Leaf? This is absurd.

  14. Responsible-Till396

    Such hatred to a player who gets so many points and the playoffs is not just Mitch Marner.

    If he was on another team this thread would have so many Leaf fans offering up trades to get him here.

    I honestly do not get it

  15. thismadhatter

    If Toronto gave Marner 14 it would take a lot for me to trust this teams management. Im not quite as disenchanted as some, but that might be the last straw.

    If anyone should take a discount its Marner.

  16. Patrickbrown45

    Paul Marner started foaming at the mouth when he saw that contract extension

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