@Flames de Calgary

« On passe par toutes les émotions » | Conroy sur l’héritage de Gaudreau

« Tu es en colère, tu es triste et tu penses à tous les bons moments que nous avons passés ensemble… Tu ne peux même pas croire que cela se produit. » Le directeur général des Flames s’assoit avec Brendan Parker au mémorial Johnny Gaudreau à l’extérieur du Saddledome.


  1. It’s so difficult. I can’t make any sense of it. Deep, deep sorrow. So much devastation just because of what someone decided to do and that horrible decision changed all our lives. My heart goes out to his family. As a mom, myself, my heart is totally broken.

  2. Conny is always so good with words. Between this and the open letter the other day, you can feel the amount of love he has for Johnny and his family. Conny it a great example of what it's like to be part of the C of Red, from his time in the jersey himself all the way to now as GM.

  3. Conroy classy words and most respectful man! Johnny Hockey great memories. Dome got loud. Rip to the Gaudreau bros. Matt n John. 🏒

  4. As an American fan of the NY islanders I appreciate the outpouring of support for Johnny Goudrea, his brother Matthew, and his entire family. Johnny represented USA hockey and the Hobey Baker well. Johnny really embraced Calgary and loved that city as the fans so obviously loved him. My heartfelt condolences to the entire Goudreau family.👏❤️

  5. I'm so heartbroken yet it is very heartwarming to see the Hockey World come together to support Johnny and Matty's Family at this horrific time.
    God Bless you all. RIP

  6. Thank you Craig for your comments, I knew he special on the ice , but just as great off the ice a Hero to all people!!!!❤❤😂🎉🎉🎉😂

  7. Had a chance to check out the memorial today. Very much worthwhile, if you can get down there.

    Thanks to the Flames for facilitating this for the fans.

  8. Take this opportunity to reach out to your state legislators on DUI prevention/education and enforcement. I could barely write mine yesterday through my tears, but I heard back from my state senator’s assistant this morning already. She wants to know which orgs I’m interested in getting involved with to make sure this doesn’t happen to another family. I’m not in New Jersey; I’m in Washington State. . . I’m still crying. As a hockey mom, who decided to learn how to goal tend myself, I know hockey is family. I’ve done the 4am alarms for youth hockey playoffs, and walking out of the rink at 11pm after late practices. The fierce loving investment we make in our hockey kids is unimaginable if you haven’t lived it. Whether you play hockey, watch hockey, or both, we are all family. Keep your stick on the ice. 🏒

  9. To all you coffin jumpers crying over him, how did you feel 2 years ago when he left the team high and dry?
    How many of you crying also said fuck him?
    How many of you felt his number should be retired 2 years ago?

    Just because you die, it doesn't change reality.
    Great player, but not worthy of having his number in the rafters.

  10. the fucked up loss of Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau

    please legalize cannabis-prohibition aka please end slavery

    13th Amendment to USA Constitution = "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." = SLAVERY = USA 2024

    this country is fucked up.

    slavery is still legal in usa…

  11. From an Oilers fan, my deepest sincere condolences to Gaudreau family, Flames and CBJ organizations and fans. In these moment of grief there is no local or national team difference, we all are part of our Hockey family and have lost a precious member and our hearts mourn his loss. Virtual hugs and support to all the fans affected by this loss.

  12. As great a hockey player Johnny Gaudreau was, it seems to pale in comparison to what kind of person he was off the ice.

    RIP, Johnny and Matthew.

  13. Gosh see all the YouTube on Johnny and Mathew all weekend and cried throughout now watching more and crying again , it’s so sad what happened, I really hope people don’t drink and drive.🕊️💔🥲

  14. I rarely care when athletes or famous people die. But this dude got me choked up some seemed like a good dude off and on the ice.

  15. The Gaudreau trophy: most assists in a season.
    Johnny owns the single season record for the most assists by a LW.

  16. Been a Jackets fan since day one. Was excited for Johhny and Sean to rekindle the Calgary days…..now i just saddens me so much but the love from Calgary has helped more than you know and i always wanted to find a western conference team to root for was really considering Utah. But I have changed my mind and now i know its Calgary. RIP Johnny and Matt…Prayers to all affected!!!!!

  17. The worst part is that he almost stayed in Calgary. I wonder where we would’ve been right now had he stayed. I was really hoping we’d get him back one day. Rip Johnny hockey

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