@Blues de Saint-Louis

Le Dr Rick Lehman, directeur médical du Centre américain de médecine sportive, explique l’opération que Krug devra subir. Lehman a qualifié l’opération de « Je vous salue Marie » et a déclaré que les chances que Krug joue à nouveau dans la LNH sont d’environ 30 pour cent.

https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5744174/2024/09/04/blues-torey-krug-ankle-surgery/?source=user_shared_article Torey Krug, en larmes, parle d’une opération chirurgicale qui a menacé sa carrière et que l’ancien médecin des Blues appelle « Je vous salue Marie »



  1. Damn, fusing bones and bone graphs all sound nasty. Stick taps for a quick recovery and I hope Krug can at the bare minimum get back to being pain free doing normal life events.

  2. the_dayman623

    This is a really shitty situation for Krug and I feel bad for him. You can obviously tell he doesn’t want this to be the end and that he still really wants to play. I’ve never liked his contract but that’s not his fault. I’ve never questioned his commitment level once. He’s gave his all here. At this point I just want him to be able to play with his kids

  3. Bozak_Horseman

    That press conference from earlier was from a guy who had much little hope he’d ever play again, that was very clear.

    I’m absolutely a Krug contract hater and think this team will experience some addition by subtraction, but as a man he should be able to live a life without pain and be able to carry his kids upstairs without agony. It has to suck to see your career pulled out from under you like this and I wish him the best moving forward.

  4. sausagefestivities

    He’s made more than $50M. Absolutely no shame in hanging it up and staying healthy for his family now. Hope he can still have a presence in our facilities this year.

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