@Rangers de New York

Tête-à-tête avec Sam Rosen : le légendaire commentateur des Rangers explique sa décision de prendre sa retraite

Tête-à-tête avec Sam Rosen : le légendaire commentateur des Rangers explique sa décision de prendre sa retraite



  1. > »I would say the last couple of years, it’s been in the back of my mind, » he said. « The reality is, as you get a little older, you think about these things. You say, ‘Okay, what do you need to do?’ You need to spend a little more time with the family. You want to make sure that you’re around. You want to make sure you’re staying healthy. You want to do things that maybe you haven’t had the opportunity to do in the past. »

    > »The other thing, maybe a little selfishly or egotistically, is you want to go out on top, » he said. « You want people to remember that you were still at your best when you stepped aside. I think that’s really important. »

    That last bit makes me wonder if he’s thinking about two other legends who had less than ideal ends to their careers: Rick Jeanneret and Jack Edwards. Unlike those guys, Sam isn’t dealing with any health issues as far as we know, but the frequency of gaffes has increased in recent years. Most of the time they’re minor or even funny, but every once in a while they’re actually pretty bad and Joe has to correct him. It’s probably safe to say the MSG suits have noticed and we saw what they did to Al Trautwig…

    40 years is a nice round number and as far as I’m concerned, he is going out on top. I’m just not ready yet.

  2. nyrangers19942025

    I will take Sam making mistakes over any of the Devils or Islander announcers.

  3. Sam Rosen and John Sterling retiring back to back fucking sucks. At least we can celebrate Sam for one more season but damn, end of an era.

  4. InevitableHome343

    Sam paid his dues and earned his ride to the hall of fame

    I’m just concerned at the D-level talent we’ll get replacing him.

    If it’s Kenny Albert. Sign me the fuck up. Don Lagreca? Sign me the fuck up.

    But I feel like it’s gonna be some random unknown terrible commentator

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