@Flyers de Philadelphie

John Leclair est le Flyer le plus sous-estimé, qui est le Flyer le plus surestimé de tous les temps ?

John Leclair est le Flyer le plus sous-estimé, qui est le Flyer le plus surestimé de tous les temps ?



  1. GimmickyBulb

    This is such a tough one because the person who wins is going to have to convince the rest of us that we’re over-rating someone!

  2. SanePatrickBateman

    Huge fan of the guy, but Ghost maybe?

    Had the fun rookie season, 1 more huge year, and a handful of other seasons ranging from pretty good to arguably bad.

    Guess it depends who you ask (I’m sure some view him lowly so he couldn’t be overrated) I just feel Ghost is viewed very highly overall, could just be nostalgia from his early years with the Flyers though for many of us

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