@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Faits saillants de la LNH | Penguins contre Blue Jackets – 21 janvier 2022

Sidney Crosby a réussi un tour du chapeau et ajouté une passe décisive pour mener les Penguins de Pittsburgh à une victoire de 5-2 sur les Blue Jackets de Columbus.


  1. Jarry is a diver that penalty was bullcrap

    Sorry but that's just bad officiating I call em down the line

  2. Hope DeSmith can pull back and get a bit better we know his potential. Maybe sometime in WBS could help him

  3. For future watchers of this video who didn't see the game, the 3rd Jacket goal was disallowed as Col was off-sides entering the zone. They don't show you here.

  4. Why don't you show what happened to the 3rd Columbus goal? Seems like info we might need to understand why it goes back to 2 goals… 🤦

  5. When the penguins are firing on all cylinders, there’s not many better teams in the league. What a season this is turning into. Let’s go pens!

  6. For anyone wondering… the Blue Jackets 3rd goal was waved off after the Penguins challenged for offides.

  7. Failing to explain why the Jackets goal got denied is a terrible way to market the game to new fans. People who don't watch hockey are not going to understand what happened.

  8. Hey Sportsnet! Maybe focus on showing all the highlights, like the disallowed goal, instead of focusing on hitting the arbitrary 8:21 runtime.

  9. Crosby's so good you just forget it sometimes. Would still rather have him over any other player in the league. There won't be a as complete hockey player as him for a long time so we gotta appreciate him while he's still around.

  10. Непонятно с обзора почему 3 гол в ворота Пингвинов отменили.

  11. I love how a few Blue Jacket fans were calling Crosby "Washed Up" on the prediction videos, then he ended up scoring 3 goals on them 😂

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