@Flames de Calgary

Merci Johnny

Comme vous tous, je pleure la perte de « Johnny Hockey » ou comme je l’appelle « Johnny Calgary ».

Je n’ai déménagé à Calgary qu’en avril 2021, mais j’habite près du Red Mile et j’ai immédiatement ressenti sa présence dans chaque bar, pub et restaurant le long de la 17e Avenue. J’ai également assisté à de nombreux matchs auxquels il a participé, notamment lors de ses derniers matchs éliminatoires en tant que Flame.

J’assiste à la commémoration ce soir et au lieu de laisser un chapeau, des Skittles ou du Gatorade, j’ai décidé de laisser un mot disant ce que j’aimerais dire à Johnny si j’en avais l’occasion.

Je voulais le partager avec vous tous alors que nous sommes en deuil ensemble.



  1. attackthezack

    I wrote a letter too today, to try and put my grief into words, just like yours – literally, because I also moved here from Hamilton too back in 2018. I was a Flames fan surrounded by mostly Leafs fans but it was cool to people out east; at least some people said they liked us as a 2nd favourite team because of guys like Johnny. I remember having so much fun, staying up late to watch games because of the time difference and saving up enough to finally move here. Just the thought of seeing him and the team play in person with only a short walk to the Dome felt like a dream come true that has never worn off. I slipped my letter I wrote in with my favourite Flames hat I wore throughout the 2010’s and left it at the memorial tonight. Thanks for sharing your letter, I hope that the sheer number of letters and love sent will help his family heal in time, and all of us who are also grieving.

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