@Kraken de Seattle

Grille des joueurs Kraken, jour 7 : Meilleur défenseur

Grille des joueurs Kraken, jour 7 : Meilleur défenseur



  1. Distinct_Mud_2673

    Shane Wright won yesterday. Let’s say best defenseman defensively for this one.

  2. futuregoalie

    My vote is Larsson. I love a good stay at home defenseman. Not to mention his crazy iron man reliability

  3. Best defender? I’d go with Oleksiak.

    Here’s what I said about him for the underrated category:

    I think he’s a classic stay-at-home defenseman, that uses his physical presence and positioning to keep the house on lock down. He’s had some absolutely clutch defensive plays that have saved Daccord a few times (since he likes to play so aggressively out of the crease), quietly holds the blue line when we’re on offense and honestly does a good job of staying out of the box.

    I feel like people automatically want him to be the team goon because of his size but that’d be a waste. He’s a great stay-at-home dman IMHO.

  4. Larsson. Always in the right place at the right time, he has such a high hockey IQ

  5. Electrical-Okra3644

    Larsson. The man KNOWS the game, has insane hockey IQ, doesn’t showboat. When he’s on the puck he’s basically an immovable object, and when he gets those massive shoulders down he’s gonna move YOU. Solid, gives 150% every single time, quiet leadership in the locker room and on the ice, and do we forget that iron man streak that he only broke for his daughter’s birth?

  6. Party_Fig_8270

    I think the wright answer is to put Wright in every box.

  7. ItsTeeEllCee

    Just wanted to say I’ve been enjoying this series you’re doing here and also Adam Larsson is the best defender.

  8. DijkstrasPathway

    Dunn for me, getting the puck out of the zone doesn’t just drive offensive but keeps the other team away from our goalie 🙂

  9. RysloVerik

    I mean, if it’s not Shane Wright, it gotta be Dunner.

  10. Why not both? Best defensive pair! The law firm of Dunn and Larrson.

    But I think I would have to pick Larrson over Dunn. It’s because of Larrson’s mentorship and guidance, is what has helped evaluate Dunn’s game and becoming a future star.

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