@Ligue nationale de hockey

C’est peut-être la ligue de bière du Royaume-Uni, mais par Dieu, c’est bon d’être à nouveau devant du hockey !

C’est peut-être la ligue de bière du Royaume-Uni, mais par Dieu, c’est bon d’être à nouveau devant du hockey !



  1. Practical-Walrus-742

    Y’all get fans at your beer league games?

  2. letmeloginalready

    Does beer league mean something different in the UK? There’s way too many people there for this to be an 11pm Tuesday night game. And all those jerseys actually match

  3. We get 9 months of daily hockey a year then can also play in summer, why do people get such intense withdrawal?

    The time off is great

    Completely reasonable too


    Why on earth would a reasonable comment like this get downvoted? Hard to argue. Mostly stating facts.

    Especially given how sports fandom nowadays is overwhelming. The NHL season being too intense anyhow. Then keeping up with 32 teams. All the meta. Breaking down all the stats.

    There are so many things to experience in life. Do you really want hockey to be 12 months a year? Can’t even fully follow other sports in that time.

    I love getting a bit off time to really get into baseball, spend time outside.

    Not to mention other hobbies like art and gardening, variety is the spice of life.

    Also the season more special the more time off you get.

    Abscence makes the heart grow fonder.

    Y’all are addicted apparently

    ‘Opiate of the masses’ was spot on

  4. JasonEAltMTG

    I lived in the UK 25 years ago and hockey was just in its infancy. It’s really come a long way since then, it’s gratifying to see my favorite sport gaining traction in the UK

  5. Euphoriacrodie

    This isn’t beer league, this is NIHL, highest league in England

  6. squidstings

    I’m jealous! All i have access to is NHL. No hockey here. Just overpaid, entitled brats playing shinny!

    Just an observation. Never saw a 2 handed stick to the head until they started taking self policing out of the game.

  7. Ive spent some months in the UK couple of years ago and had the chance to play in « Beer league » the team i was in had a practice every week and we would play on weekend 3 periods of 20 minutes and hitting was allowed. Those game were taking pretty seriously and we had a coach. What really surprised me the most is when I went in the locker room before the first game there was 3 lines written on the board by the coach with pp and pk. It was definitely very different then what we see in Canada.

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