@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Sondage d’opinion sur l’intersaison des Maple Leafs de Toronto

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  1. SpicyP43905

    They had a rlly good off-season if u think about it.

    They arrested most of their big issues, and if anyone else managed to replace a notorious playoff-bad coach with a proven winner, and address their biggest position of need(RD1) with an elite option, that team would be extremely hyped up going into the new season.

    The thing is, it feels like we’ve seen it all with these guys, and that makes it hard to believe things are gonna change, even if there is reason to think so.

  2. sneed_poster69

    Firing Keefe is fine, but he wasn’t the sole issue. There’s rot throughout the team and Berube won’t fix shit if it’s still Shanahan calling the shots and handcuffing the coach

  3. We needed a goalie and better defense – they got no goalie, and not enough defense. We needed to get rid of Marner and they failed to do so, the news is that he is still playing the game.. They’re clearly not trying to work any deal otherwise the news would be he isn’t playing at all. The fact everyone hast just accepted him back (before even playing a game), everything has been forgotten, just wait until he shows you his contract year performance.

    If anyone doesn’t already know the outcome of this coming season then they haven’t watched the past 7. They’ll make it the playoffs easily, especially in Marners contract year and with Mathews feeling he has to prove himself as the new captain, plus the new aforementioned better defenseman.. Nylander is still pretty fresh into his contract and still probably feeling like he needs to prove himself still (so that he doesn’t get the Marner stigma), as well as not really being there for the post season last year due to his headaches. Getting to the playoffs should be a cakewalk. Oh and then you’ll get articles like ‘Leafs look different under Berube’ (look it up, the exact same thing they said about keefe and see where that ended), so that will be hyped up too.

    If you expect the addition of Tanev to drastically change their playoff performance you’d got to be kidding yourself. Sure they might be marginally better but they didn’t address the issues enough, particularly one defenseman is not enough and still no real goalie. Or was it supposed to be Stolarz, the guy who played 35 minutes during the panthers cup run letting in 3 goals during that time. By the time the playoffs roll around Marner will have gotten his contract based on his excellent regular season, and have no reason to perform in the playoffs as he didn’t last year (or how many years before). Mathews will probably be tired and giving his 50% performances or maybe come down with another mystery illness/concussion (still unsure the answer on that one). Probably a ‘hot take’ but Nylander I have nothing bad to say about – as long as his headaches don’t act up I think he is the one player who actually takes his job seriously despite being the least serious person.

    I would also wager this exact same thing will happen next year after their next first or 2nd round exit, with even more emphasis on just running it back – the narrative will be that ‘the Leafs just need more time with Berube’ – maybe get a new goalie too if Stolarz performs similar to his last post season and Woll gets injured as per usual.

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