@Bruins de Boston

Comment j’ai réussi ? J’ai été payé 60 $

En fait, j’aimerais avoir des commentaires.



  1. Mutt_inmex

    Its not a jersey, just something someone picked up at the game for $48

  2. No name jersey for a speciality game we got killed in? Meh hard pass. You paid about 60$ too much

  3. You did great for $60. Not a knockoff. Can’t beat a $60 jersey.

  4. Lsalvatore74

    Dude thats a great find especially with the patch on it because the pro shop was the only place that had then on at the time.

  5. Weird patch, they cancelled that winter classic last minute

  6. Mother-Associate1654

    i’ll never forget i went to Dick’s the day after that winter classic to return some Christmas gifts. they had a sign that said 90% off all winter classic items. I brought up a jersey thinking no way in hell it would have that discount but sure enough I got this one (with Rask) for less than 20$. Insane

  7. Good find at a good price. They show up on ebay and mercari anywhere from $50-$100 but they’re usually pretty beat up. Yours looks great and has the shoulder patch. Very excellent score.

  8. Stunning_Wrongdoer74

    So cool! I found a 2016 Bergeron Winter Classic jersey at the thrift for $60 recently, I’m glad I paid a fair price too it seems!

  9. FragrantHockeyFan

    No one wants to remember that years classic

  10. Only you know how you did!

    Do you feel good or what?

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