@Flyers de Philadelphie

Lindros avait le plus de potentiel. Qui a eu le POTENTIEL LE PLUS GÂCHÉ dans l’histoire des Flyers ?

Lindros avait le plus de potentiel. Qui a eu le POTENTIEL LE PLUS GÂCHÉ dans l’histoire des Flyers ?



  1. 1UpBebopYT

    Gotta be Pitkanen, right? 4th overall d man, great first year which got him rewarded with a permanent spot on the team,  with all the tools and potential who just DGAF.  Once realized he was safe in the NHL, just stopped trying.  Rumors of Desjardins getting into fights with him for how much he didn’t care. 

  2. xxphantomxx77

    Nolan Patrick, not necessarily “wasted” but a huge what-if

  3. Narrow_Book_42069

    Isn’t this answer also Big E? For as sensational as he was, he was supposed to be even better. A lot of wasted potential for him due to off ice antics and then on ice injuries and organizational mismanagement.

  4. Bhut_Jolokia400

    2017 #2 Overall Draft Pick Nolan Patrick

    2013 #11 Overall Draft Pick Sam Morin

    1969 #6 Overall Draft Pick Bob Currier

  5. I’ll stay away from players impacted by injury/legal issues for this one. Joni Pitkanen seemed to have all the attributes you want in a highly drafted defenseman. Just couldn’t get his head on right.

  6. samcoffeeman

    I’m going to say Dmitri Tertyshny. He wasn’t a high draft pick, but he looked really good as a rookie and we really needed Defensive depth at the time. It was really terrible how his young life came to a tragic end.

  7. corpseluvver

    I kind of feel like Provorov should be in the discussion. Guy should have been our 1D, and based on his assets I expected a lot more, but he seemed incapable of rising another level on his own. 

    Part of that might be recency bias or just the fact that we don’t normally develop our own 1D, so there may be more hype there than I remember tbh. 

  8. phantom11287

    I feel like wasted potential pertains to players who had potential that was wasted by something they had control over. If this is the case it’s gotta be Carter Hart.

  9. Steppyjim

    Feels like Pelle, Patrick, and Lindros don’t fit here because their potential wasn’t wasted it was stunted by injury and tragedy.

    I guess that leaves us with Alex Daigle? Thats my pickl

    Edit: I just realized, are we including potential we wasted by trading it away? Because if so 1000% Sergei Bobrovski

  10. dpolidoro

    Daigle. Never put in the work, just wanted the money and lifestyle.

  11. Torvus_742

    Remember when Bobrovski was on the Flyers? And then we traded him?

    Yeah. Bobrovski.

  12. shinyRedButton

    Depends on your definition of wasted. Pelle, wasted because he died. Lindros, wasted because of head injuries. Giroux, wasted because they never built a proper team around him. Hart, wasted because of being a piece of shit. I think we need more context than just “wasted”.

  13. shrimply__pibbles

    Pelle Lindbergh, died just before entering the prime of his career, could have been one of the best goaltenders ever. He might have been the X-factor the flyers needed to win the Stanley cup in 86-87, Hexy did win MVP of the finals, but we will never know

  14. Aggressive_Use_5580

    Patrick, bob, hart all good options here. I don’t have a dog in this race. I’m honestly waiting for slowest because there’s SOOO many options there

  15. Carter Hart.

    I would say Giroux but his career was wasted by 2 incompetent GMs so that was out of his control.

  16. LAClipShow2020

    For OG’s it’s Pelle, for young OG’s Lindros could be placed here too… for the youngsters it could be Patrick or Hart. This organization has been snake bitten with wonder kids not fulfilling their potentials.

  17. Prudent-Psychology66

    Mike Richard’s. After he sign his big contract the dude just party harder and the details of his drug problems are pretty well known. There were plenty spoken about being out of shape and just not the same guy. He should have been a 70-80 point selke candidate for 10 years but dude just hit the wall hard

  18. PaddyMayonaise

    Might be an unpopular opinion but I’d say Lindros:

    As a player he could hand been as good as Mario. He’s was physically dominant, as fast as anyone, and had great touch. Dude was a stud.

    But we managed him poorly, his family got in the way, and he was out of the city by 26 years old. 659 points by 26 years old.

    Only one Stanley cup finals appearance. Only one Hart.

    Lindros was supposed to be the GOAT of the 90s. He was supposed to be what Crosby has been.

    But he didn’t reach that potential.

  19. Only-Nature7410

    Patrick was most wasted potential. Nothing came of such a high pick

  20. Thelegassy

    Pelle Lindbergh is probably the right answer for this one, lindros and Patrick are the recent ones to come to mind but I’d go Pelle.

  21. roadblok95

    I’m going to go with the unpopular choice in Claude Giroux. The organization wasted his potential by not putting a better team around him.

  22. If we are looking for real world examples, bob won a cup lol

  23. dishwasher_mayhem

    People aren’t old enough to recall this bu the Flyers spent 22 overall on goaltender Maxime Ouellet. He has all the talent but couldn’t put it together.

  24. Admirable_Food_9056

    Going older, Todd Bergen. Looked like a point a game player then disappeared.

  25. Trip4Life

    Lindros again? He was great, but he was never the next great one and injuries held him back immensely.

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