@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[LeafsLatest] « Je crois qu’ils vont réussir et que Nick Robertson reviendra avec les Maple Leafs » – Dreger

« Je crois qu’ils vont réussir et que Nick Robertson reviendra avec les Maple Leafs. »

Robertson a parlé avec le nouvel entraîneur-chef Craig Berube, et Berube lui a assuré qu’il n’y avait que des opportunités et qu’il aurait une chance avec les Leafs sur l’aile gauche.

« Il semble qu’il soit davantage enclin à reconnaître ce qu’il a à Toronto et à tirer le meilleur parti de la situation. »

[via: @DarrenDreger , @FirstUp1050]

Feuilles pour toujours



  1. He has zero leverage. He’s not a good enough player to be in crazy high demand but he’s also too good to trade away for the limited value that a player with a season of 27 points in 56 games last year and 7 points in 31 games over three partial seasons.

    I think we probably dont’ see him in Toronto next year but that’s either going to be because he doesn’t fit with Berube or he has such a good year that he prices himself out of Toronto but also carries a better trade value.

  2. goleafsgo13

    Considering how he has no leverage, a new coach for a fresh start, and a top 6 hole he could fill…

    I don’t see why he would draw this out anymore.

  3. Does anyone really care anymore? I’d rather have someone who wants to play here give it their all than some guy who I keep hearing has the skills but it never seems to materialize when it matters.

  4. Escapement_Watch

    we want him to do good this year then get a better trade value out of him and get him outta here!

  5. He’s only 22 years old, if he comes back, we as fans need to support him and hope the best for him. I think he’s capable of scoring 20-25 goals this year as long as he keeps improving.

  6. This whole thing was kinda weird. Robertson must have thought he had far more leverage than he truly has because as far as I see it, he’s not good enough to return much in a trade and therefore the leafs would lose very little by playing hardball and making him sit out all year rather than trade him. All he really achieved here was to turn some of the fanbase against him.

  7. BrickFuckingWoll

    I want him to do as well as he possibly can this season so we can package him at the deadline for whoever ends up being this years Guentzel/Ekholm

  8. canuck_at_the_beach

    Guy was just fishing for an offer sheet

  9. RealCanadianDragon

    I just see this being us signing him for however long he has RFA status then once he hits UFA he’ll walk unless we just trade him before that.

  10. Darkhorse089

    Slick Nick go play the wing next to 34/11/91 and produce regularly and try not to get jumped by any of the young guns. No better opportunity on a contender out there.

  11. ShinyBarge

    They want to get him signed before the inevitable injury. /s

  12. spinning_tuna

    I don’t blame him, he should be getting more than $1.2mil, but braindead drunkard Shanaban doesn’t know how to run a team, let alone how to do anything with any shred of competency.

  13. UnflushableNug

    He probably thought that there are some teams who might want to roll the dice, given his brother’s success.

    He took one step forward and two steps back, so he’s got some work to do to earn his place this year. Tons of opportunity if he wants it, though.

  14. GracefulShutdown

    Player has no leverage, being an RFA who hasn’t really proven much in the NHL in limited time.

    Team has no reason to trade him, given that context and that any offer would be a low-ball offer.

    He’s coming back, despite what some of you really want to get yourselves worked up about. This is just Contract Negotiations bs from both the Leafs and Robertson’s agent.

  15. clarko420

    Robertson has been fucked around his whole career so far but needs to suck it up. Hes still in the nhl and on the leafs. The team has to do cap gymnastics and being waiver exempt moving his contract around is easy. Covid screwed his development a bit and he’s had bad luck with injuries. Hes a cheap contract on a team with minimal spots available that pays 4 or 5 players half the cap of course your going to get screwed around. I wouldn’t take that shit personally and i don’t know why you wouldnt sign. Hes on the leafs and play with some of the best players in the league so take advantage of the opportunities and just go play. At his best he’s easily a middle six on the team. Just stay healthy and play.

  16. Thaddeus0607

    His agent is playing this so incredibly poorly

  17. torontomaplebros

    He’s better than he gets talked about in this sub imo. Basically was third for p/60 at even strength last year despite terrible line mates often

  18. CMDRShepardN7

    If he was fishing for an offer sheet, I do have to respect him for trying.

    I don’t exactly *like* that he did it as a Leafs fan, but I can understand the attempt.

  19. OneNutPhil

    I wish he didn’t do this whole thing cause he’s gonna remain on the team and have this dumb distraction over him now.

    He legit can set his entire career up on 1 good year and the left wing is wide open. Just gotta grab it.

  20. pimpdaddy69ca

    kinda crazy to me they’d even bother reasurring him after all this public drama, for such a fringe player

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